Bad Epitaph

Torrik Nils 05-26-2009 10:02:35 AM
Dead Space: Bad Epitaph


:: USS Chimera ::
:: Gamma Quadrant ::

Captain’s Personal Log Stardate 62391.5…

Life aboard Chimera has settled into a decent and quiet hum. After offloading several crew members and adding even more, we’re at full capacity for our ship class and mission profile – a mission profile which has me excited to be aboard. The path between the Bajoran wormhole terminus and Megiddo space is well trod and well explored. We have therefore been ordered to take a ‘circuitous’ route home. Our orders have us charting and surveying several systems that have been largely ignored. In other words, we’re exploring. And I for one couldn’t be more pleased.
Captain Torrik closed his log recorder and made his way back to the bridge. As the doors swished open Usher Tenanji rose from the center seat and took his place at the Security terminal. The division of tactical from security had thus far been working ideally. That arrangement only made good sense from Nils’ perspective. And Lt. Wekesa had slipped into the role of Chief Tactical officer with great ease.

What hadn’t been easy was Harry Finn’s mysterious departure. Despite numerous inquiries Admiral Necheyev had nothing to say on the matter apart from ‘sit tight, he’ll be back.’ Vail had shed a little light on the subject and the Bajoran CO had no choice but to set out without Finn and their missing crew. At some point Nils knew he and Harry would have to sit down and hash out the ‘darker’ shades of his past.

But for now, all seemed well. Nils had joined Javier and T’Shaini for dinner two times since they left Earth and he’d not felt even remotely uncomfortable. Perhaps remotely…but only just… And although Seldon had left numerous messages, Nils had found ways to avoid a physical for the past two weeks. He’d also found plenty of time to spend in the holodeck practicing the more challenging aspects of ‘wave sliding.’ In addition, the new crew members were settling in nicely, and over all everything was going well.

And that is exactly how Nils knew it was about to go seven shades of awry…

“Captain,” started O’Keefe from science. Her rigid features matched her stone cold eyes. “I’m picking up a vessel on sensors. It appears she’s powered down and adrift.”

“Life signs?” A cold chill ran up the back of the Bajoran’s neck.

“I can’t determine from this range… But the ship configuration is Golnarran.” O’Keefe’s fingers danced over her console as she pulled up more information. “The Golnarrans are a Gamma race that the Federation is just getting to know. It looks like we have loose trade negotiations in place, but deeper political ties have yet to be established.”

“Alright,” said Nils as he leaned back in his chair. “Set a course and take us in. Let’s find out what’s going on.”

“Aye, sir,” chimed Ven from the Helm. “Closing the distance.”

A few minutes past before Jezera said, “I’ve got a visual, sir.”

“Put it on screen,” answered Nils. He leaned forward and examined the image as if his eyes were a sensor pallet.

“Telemetry clearing, sir,” O’Keefe said still engrossed in her station.

“Report,” answered Nils, falling into the rhythm of bridge activity.

“Minor structural damage to the hull, and an isolated breach. Emergency bulkheads seem to be in place however and there is breathable atmosphere on board. No signs of explosive decompression. Also…no signs of life.” She looked up then waiting for instruction.

“Ship’s systems?” The young Captain turned to his Chief of Science and resisted the urge to man the station himself. “Why are the adrift?”

“I don’t know that, sir. But all systems appear to be operational. Engines and life support are offline, however.”

Nils sighed deeply. “Alright, let’s put together a team. Let’s find out what’s going on over there.”

Once again, the desire to ‘get up and go’ tugged at the Bajoran’s pagh. But he knew his place was on the bridge. The Chimera’s crew was well trained and they didn’t need him babysitting them. Leaning back once more in his seat, Nils steepled his fingers over his lips and narrowed his eyes. The little ship on the viewscreen spun slowly - almost imperceptibly. It appeared to be asleep in space. But dark suspicion and limited experience informed him otherwise. The ship was not asleep… She was dead.

T'Shaini 05-26-2009 12:59:06 PM
USS Chimera
Counselor's office

T'Shaini looked over the PADD one more time as if some new information would spring to life if given another chance, but no such luck. Her first actual envoy into some sort of diplomatic mission and she felt as though she had just somehow chanced to walk down a wrong corridor and was fumbling for the exit. Ah well… Once the reports from the Bridge had come in, the Counselor/Ambassador had contacted the Captain, willing, if not eager to do her ambassadorial duties. Whether I have a clear idea of what they are or not.

She stalled for a moment, putting her head down on the cool surface of her desk letting the fatigue take over. It was frustrating, this long convalescence, T'Shaini was so used to her body doing whatever she wished, whenever she wished that the constant battle with exhaustion and dizziness was beginning to frustrate her. Thank goodness for the time on Earth. She thought with a sigh. Pushing herself upright, she smiled at the hovering David.

"Establish communication with the Golnarran then patch me in." Not only more in keeping with protocol to have someone besides the Ambassador make initial contact, but no matter the species, T'Shaini assumed that her yeoman's earnest open manner would signal good will. Within moments his wave indicated his success.

"On screen, please." The view screen before her lit, the elongated body and facial features lending a stern aesthetic to the Golnarran, it's light blue skin almost glowing from within. "You wish to speak with us Ambassador T'Shaini from the Federation?" The voice high and whisper thin, somehow matched their appearance.

"Indeed, I wished to inform you that the crew of the USS Chimera has encountered a Golnarran vessel, adrift in space…there were no life signs, and with your permission we would like to investigate. Have you had any contact with this vessel?"

A glance toward the left was the only indication that the Golnarran had other sources that it was referring to. "We have many ships going between our gas mines, it could have been one of thousands, we will need to research further before we can pinpoint any one." The gaze darted left again, then nodded almost imperceptibly. "Yes, please investigate, T'Shaini of the Federation, inform us of what you discover and we will contact you once more is known on our end."

"Thank you, we will be in contact as soon as we have more information. It was a pleasure to speak with you…"

"Ahatsunu. A pleasure for us as well." Then abruptly the screen went dark.

=^= T'Shaini to Captain Torrik. =^=

=^=Go ahead, T'Shaini.=^=

=^= I have made contact with the Golnarran, we have permission to proceed, T'Shaini out.=^=

Asmita Madri 05-26-2009 01:50:53 PM
USS Chimera - Biology Lab

Engrossed in an exploration mission of her own, Asmita examined the long gleaming rows of high-tech equipment that lined the walls of the biology lab on deck two. Mycoreplicators, subsonic oscillatory catalyst generators – though the ship was built for combat, the lab was better equipped than any she had ever seen. And this is just one of ten, she thought, the sheer joy of the thought almost overwhelming her.

Geoff Parker looked up from the viewscreen of a microscope to flash Asmita a worried glance, “Are you gonna be alright, there?”

The young J’naii started as the sound of the man’s voice. “I am quite a bit better than alright,” she said, subconsciously straightening out her uniform.

Geoff chuckled, “I was pretty amazed by the stuff they’ve got here when I came aboard, too.” He sighed, turning back to the screen, “But you learn to resent it after a long day of calibrating microscopes.”

Asmita laughed at the comment, hoping it was a joke. The air in the lab suddenly felt thick and stifling, though she knew the ship’s life support systems kept the entire ship in a common comfort zone. “I’d better go,” she said, heading toward the exit. Once again absorbed in his work with the microscope, the lab technician did not respond.

USS Chimera - Bridge

Asmita arrived on the bridge with a cheerful smile, eager to see the crew at work. As she glanced up at the viewscreen, however, her smile melted. Dimly outlined on the screen, a ship she did not recognize hung lifelessly in space. Though she couldn’t be entirely sure what was going on, she knew it was trouble.

Ender Seldon 05-26-2009 11:55:19 PM
:: USS Chimera ::
:: Sickbay ::

Ender chomped on an unlit cigar (a gift from Harry Finn that Harry had no idea he had given Ender), folded his arms behind his head and laid back on a biobed. He had just returned from Earth and was taking a moment to enjoy the quiet hum of sickbay, 'a moment like this is rare', he thought to himself, 'at least it seemed to be on this ship'. Ender was a private man (hidden by an exaggerated extroverted personality) with a prodigious memory that catalogued medical facts and dirty jokes with equal facility. If Chimera had an HR department, Seldon would have been written up for treading into red zone territory on more than one occasion, but most understood his personality. He was harmless. He closed his eyes, bit down hard on the cigar and pretended to exhale a lungful of aromatic smoke, a glassy smile appearing on his face.

"What are you so happy about?" Matt Ayre's thick Scottish accent cut across the empty sickback.

Ender opened one eye, "I had myself a mancation, Matt. I feel renewed, rejeved and ready to take on the next whinner that walks through that door. Hell. I may not even complain about it for a few days."

"Unlikely." Matt tossed a PADD onto the doctor's chest, "I'd ask what one does when they go on "mancation" but knowing you it's probably…"

"Exciting? Fun? Memorable?"

"I was going to say 'dirty and gross' but sure, those will do."

Ender snickered as he swung his legs around the side of the biobed. He sat up, cigar still between his teeth and held the PADD out infront of him, "Is this about the new doctor, Cadet Ulrika? I've been meaning to go find her. She comes highly recommend, I hear she's a fraking Picasso with a scalpel…in fact…she may be after your job."

"If it means getting away from you…she can have it." Matt smiled, "And no, it's from the bridge."

Ender sighed as he skimmed the report, "You'd think we get something easy, just once. Did you know the Captain still hasn't come down for a check-up! He's skipped the last 4 appointments. How many people on this crew have I saved?"

Matt shrugged.

"Too many to count, that's how many. And does he say anything? 'Good job, Ender. By golly you're a swell doctor'. A simple thank you is all I’m looking for. Klingon, Russian, Hebrew, Farsi, I don’t care. The man is avoiding me like the Rudellian plague."

"This could turn out to be nothing," Matt continued, "It's an empty Golnarran vessel. No signs of life, engines and life support are offline…"

Ender nodded, "Ghost ship. No damage or dead bodies hidden anywhere, huh?"

"Not that anyone can tell," Matt shrugged, "we won't know until we get a closer look."

Ender frowned, "Looks like mancation is over."

Luku 05-27-2009 06:34:52 PM
::USS Chimera ::
::Deck Four::

Luku walked down one of Chimeras many corridors towards her quarters, as she walked the S'ti'ach's mind wandered back onto the last few days aboard ship.

They had been quite an experience, first her meeting with the Captain, then had been the meeting with the security staff, then she had been given a veritable pile of PADD's to learn from, all the ins and outs of ships protocol, locations of weapons lockers, who to contact in the event of several dozen different situations, what to do in the case of ship separation, the list went on and on…

Oh, and of course there was the task of learning to cope with the Chimeras sheer size, she had encountered a similar problem with her short time aboard the Odyssey, and that ship and been a mere newt compared to this behemoth.

Then of course there was the height issue…

All around the ship the multitude of switches and wall panels were situated at around waist to mid-torso height for the average sized humanoid, which was about a metre higher than if you took those measurements from the S’ti’ach’s petite frame. That, coupled with the fact that a fair few of Chimeras door sensors clearly had not been calibrated with someone of Lukus stature in mind, left her having to 'jump' in front of the doors for them to open.

"I will have to make a point to pop down engineering at some point to if that could be remedied somehow." Luku mused to herself.

A chirp from her comm badge brought her reminiscing thoughts sharply back to the present.

"Security to Cadet Luku." the rich accent of Lieutenant Tenanji flowed over the comm.

"Luku here."

"Please report to my office."

"Aye sir." The S'ti'ach replied smartly, as she turned and headed back the way she had come.

"I wonder what this is all about." She pondered out loud to no-one in particular…

Simba Wekesa 05-28-2009 10:24:31 AM

U.S.S. Chimera
Chief of Tactical's Office - Deck 3 Beta

Lieutenant Simba Wekesa smiled to himself, closing his eyes and enjoying the peace and quiet of his office, as he leaned back in his chair and put his feet up on the desk. The soft hum of the ship's engines threatened to lull him to sleep. With Fehr away on a classified mission and Grimm on medical leave, the remaining tactical officers were all working overtime for the past few days. Besides, Simba found it somewhat hard to let go of actually doing the work himself and had spent half of the trip back to the Gamma quadrant inside of a Jefferies Tube. As much as part of him wanted to give in to the urge to nap, he was due on the bridge in just a few minutes.

Cautiously, he slowly opened his eyes and stared at the corner of the office. It was still there. An extremely large, bluish-purple plant with sharp, pointed leaves that had somehow managed to remain in the office when it had been cleared of Lt. Grimm's possessions. It looked somehow predatory and hostile, though the computer had assured him that it was actually quite harmless. But it was huge. Far too large for an office of this size, in an overstated kind of way. He had no idea where it had come from, although he had seen an equally mammoth plant of a similar variety in Tenanji's office across the corridor, and he was sure that it wasn't a coincidence.

Making a mental note to send his office guest on to Grimm's next posting as soon as they arrived at Megiddo, the young officer rose from his chair and smoothed the wrinkles out of his uniform. The day was shaping up alright so far. The last of the repairs from the battle with the Anomaly had been completed and his torpedo bay crew had finished their overhaul of the guidance systems. It was looking like a smooth, productive day ahead.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"-systems appear to be operational. Engines and life support are offline, however," Lt. O'Keefe was saying as the turbolift doors opened onto the bridge.

Simba nodded to a passing crewman as he exited the lift and glanced at the viewscreen. A small ship of a configuration he didn't recognize was tumbling slowly through space, apparently adrift and devoid of life. Quickly, he made his way to his tactical console.

"Alright, let’s put together a team. Let’s find out what’s going on over there," Captain Torrik ordered with a sigh as he sat in the center seat, intently focused on the ship.

"Report," Simba inquired of Ensign Fuentas as he slipped in behind the tactical console to relieve her.

"We've come across a small Golnarran ship with no apparent signs of life and minor damage. We're just starting the investigation, sir." Fuentas tapped a final series of commands into the console and stepped back to allow Wekesa access.

"Understood. Thank you, Ensign."

Fuentas nodded silently, then turned to leave the bridge and go off-duty. Simba was always impressed with her efficiency, as well as her calmness no matter the situation. As she departed, he focused his attention on the many readouts and displays on his console.

"Sensors detect no other ships in the area, Captain." He paused and looked over the data once again. "I am picking up some residual energy signatures in the damaged sections of the ship's hull, possibly from some type of energy weapon. The weapon's signature doesn't match anything in the tactical database. Recommend we maintain yellow alert until the away team returns."

So much for a smooth day.

Javier Costala 05-28-2009 02:00:33 PM
-Main Engineering-

"Never seen that type of ship before, Commander," Ensign Bernard Jax commented as he studied the specifications of the ship that the Chimera had found. A small group of engineers had gathered around one of the main engineering consoles to get a peek at the unfamiliar ship as the Chimera's sensors scanned the transport. "What are they called? The Golgafinchians?"

"Golgothians, I think," Cadet Pova chimed in.

"No, it's the Gonorrheans," Jeremy said. The name seemed almost correct, he'd heard that species' name somewhere, it had to be correct.

Javier had to look away, a fit of laughter threatening to burst forth from the Chief Engineer. He bit his bottom lip and looked towards Upper Engineering where the newly promoted Delano Mills was instructing the most recent edition to the department in the subtle art of ODN network repair. Crewman Apprentice Piper Villa followed Mills' instruction with rapt attention and eagerly nodded when Mills explained the finer points of the job. After ridding himself of Foxe's cronies, Javier had recruited Mustapha's help in getting some fresh blood from Mars Technical Academy. The ship had succeeded in recruiting four promising young engineers from the college. Kroege, a Kobheerian, and someone the Chief Engineer would rather not meet in a dark alley late at night, was adjusting well as far as his work ethic went. Then there were the three human cadets, Piper Villa, Bertrand Francks and Jason Todd, a group who were collectively called PB&J by the senior ncos. If they hadn't been PB&J Javier might have called them 'the Three Musketeers' because they were inseparable, except when on duty because Javier had sent 'J' to work under Chief Suko's tutelage.

Try as he might Javier had not been able to rid himself and the Chimera of Lieutenant Foxe. The engineer was what Pierce would have referred to as a 'bad penny'. Foxe's transfer papers had been lost or stolen or mislaid, Javier didn't know which, he only knew that Foxe was still aboard and still listed as an engineer. It was enough to drive one insane. Luckily his new assistant chief had found a way of shuffling the engineers around so that Foxe spent most of his time out of Javier's sight. Besides being strikingly beautiful, Li Yeoh was also and excellent administrator. Although she did not have the repore with the engineers that Mustapha had had she was still an excellent choice for ACEO.

Kal-El Kowalski walked by the console, nodded to the Chief Engineer then glanced at the ship on the display. "Ahh the Golnarrans," the CPO stated then returned his attention to the PADD as he walked away.

Javier looked to the console then back to Kowalski, obviously the man was familiar with some aspect of the species. Who better to send on the away team. And since I need to stay here in case T'Shaini needs me.. "Kowalski!"

"Yes, Chief?" the man said as he spun around to face Costala.

"You just volunteered for the away team."

Emily Star 05-29-2009 06:47:35 AM
Emily tugged on the collar of her uniform and headed into security. She couldn't shake the feeling that something interesting, or horrible was about to happen. She relied on her betazoid senses to keep her informed but the vibe she was getting about this trip wasn't entirely encouraging. Sighing lightly she mumbled a random curse under her breath and turned on her heels. She failed to notice the smaller being walking in the same general direction as her. Which of course put her clumsy feet right in its way.

"Gah," she let out a startled yelp,"I'm so sorry!"

Luku chuckled lightly as she rubbed her head, "It is okay, you are only the second person to…miss me today, so comparatively I am having a good day so far."

The S'ti'ach smiled a toothy smile and offered one of her upper hand, "Cadet 3rd Luku."

She accepted the offered hand and smiled,"Emily Star," she paused and decided to leave off her rank. She'd been around so long it was embarrassing to mention how low on the ladder she still was, "Welcome aboard, I hope you knew what you signed up for when you joined this crew." she let out a small laugh,"We have a habit of finding trouble. Which of course means you're never going to be bored."

She thought for a moment and wondered if she'd prefer a quieter post. Perhaps aboard a station. Never moving, always seeing the same view whenever you looked out the window. Naa.

"If I was you though, I'd just find ways of making myself known whenever you enter a room. Perhaps gnaw on the ankles of those who try to walk on you." she stopped and looked at her feet,"Just not mine.."

Luku's ears perked up, "I have learned during my time so far in Starfleet that chewing on people very rarely gets me noticed the way I want to be." The S'ti'ach's ears twitched slightly as she recalled what biting a Klingon Cadet could lead to. "Yes, it has been…quite educating so far," she smiled, "so, any idea what brings us both to Security? Apart from Lieutenant Tenanji calling us here I mean."

"We're going to make a house call.. "she raised an eyebrow, "ship call..," she shrugged, "Either way we're going off ship," Emily was almost confusing herself with her babbling. She had a horrible habit of doing that and it escalated when she wasn't paying attention, "Anyways.. I'm never quite sure how to handle Tenanji. He and I have a way of… not communicating so great. Would you like to go first?"

"Oh no, by all means, tallest first, I'm here to learn from you guys after all." Luku smiled the S'ti'ach equivalent of a cheeky grin as she bowed and offered the way into Tenanji's office.

Emily nodded and let out a chuckle. She liked Luku, despite her size she definitely was able to keep up with the 'taller' ones around. Probably put a few in their place while training!, "Alright, but if anything goes wrong…gnaw his ankles." she gave a nod before heading into Tenanji's office. He sat at his desk, his usual place as Emily rarely saw him moving about the room.

"Sir," she felt her voice squeak a little and then even out, "Reporting as directed, Star and," she looked down, "Luku."

The Lieutenant gave a nod and motioned for them to both come closer, "Luku, if you'd like to take a seat. I admit my desk is a little high and I'm sure you'd prefer to see who you're talking to." he stopped talking for a moment allowing her to move before continuing,"It's a simple away mission, we're heading over to the Golnarran vessel to investigate and report back what we find. So far we've picked up no life signs, which means we can presume the crew has been kidnapped or.."he stopped without having to say more than continued,"Whoever or whatever is responsible may still be a threat. Arm yourselves. I'll be leading this mission so if you have any questions I'll be able to answer them." he stopped again,"Are there any questions?"

Emily shook her head 'no' and looked at Luku.

"Would you prefer us to take rifles sir, or will the hand phasers be sufficient?" The S'ti'ach piped up as she pulled herself up onto the seat.

A small smile crept across Tenanji's features, "Hand phasers should be sufficient Cadet, but kudos on asking anyway."

Luku nodded, "In that case, permission to requisition two of them from the armoury sir?"

The Lieutenant raised an eyebrow and lent down onto his desk, "Two? May I enquire as to why Cadet?"

"Yes sir," Luku smiled politely as she stood up on her chair, "As the saying goes I believe, 'Many hands make light work.' and I am," she brought her hands out in front of her, "somewhat gifted with an extra pair."

Containing the giggles that wished to come out was not easy. Emily thought that Luku's way with words was not only perfectly charming but insanely hilarious. Having her around was going to bring a bit of life to security, that was for sure.

"Very well Cadet, two it is," Tenanji tapped away on a PADD held in his hand, "and only one for you." he gave Emily a sideways glance.

"Yes sir," she nodded, smiling at Luku.

"Go pick up your weapons and meet me in the transporter room. You have a little less than half an hour. Dismissed" Tenanji's eyes returned to the PADD he was holding and silence crept about the room.

Emily motioned for Luku to leave first, "After you," she said quietly.

The S'ti'ach smiled and nodded, strolling over to the office door, which stayed firmly shut in front of her…

"Ah, little help?"

"They need to adjust that," Emily said with a raised eyebrow, heading over to the door it whooshed open upon her approach. As the pair left the doors closed swiftly behind them , "Yeesh," she said looking at Luku, "You've got a lot to deal with on a starship. Being trod on, doors ignoring you…I'd go crazy." they both turned and headed down the corridor towards the armoury.

Luku smiled another toothy smile, "Well you know what they say, 'It's not the size'…"

JP with the wonderfully vertically challenged handy-girl Luku

Torrik Nils 05-29-2009 10:54:17 AM
:: USS Chimera ::
:: Bridge ::

The yellow alert lighting scheme aboard a Prometheus vessel was much more subdued than aboard Hawking. It was less severe and jarring. Wekesa’s suggestion to remain on yellow alert was well founded and as they hung off the starboard bow of the alien vessel, they remained watchful. Nils considered what lay in wait for them aboard the Golnarran ship.

“O’Keefe please join the away team. I’d like to get some science eyes on that ship.” Glancing around Nils noticed a new crewmember, hovering on the bridge. He racked his brain before uttering, “Madri!” Please let that be right. The J'naii looked his way so he assumed he got it right. “Please take the science station and get me some information on those residual energy signatures Wekesa was so kind to point out…”

The Bajoran glanced down at his console and made some notes. A distinct and distracting sense of dread overcame him as he realized he was sending another away team into unknown dangers. With a deep sigh he grasped both arms of his chair and began balancing chemical equations in his head. Hopefully, the mild brain calisthenics would ease his angst.

The counselor’s soothing voice brought Nils from his thoughts. =^= T'Shaini to Captain Torrik. =^=

”Go ahead, T'Shaini,” Nils answered earnestly.

=^= I have made contact with the Golnarran, we have permission to proceed, T'Shaini out.=^=

“Very good,” said the CO. “Torrik to Tenanji, we are good for insertion. Energize when your team assembles.”

Nils swallowed hard and gripped his armrests once again. Anxiety gnawed at his guts and he said a silent prayer. “Let’s hope this goes smoothly…”

T'Shaini 05-29-2009 12:15:29 PM
::Chief Engineer's quarters::

A sharp beeping sound jolted the Counselor awake, she really had only meant to sit for a moment, but then Javier had come in and reading her exhaustion, had encouraged her to lay down. His warm hands soothing her tired muscles had lulled her into sleep. Scrambling to rise, and not knock Javier unconscious with her flailing limbs, T'Shaini groggily responded to the call.

=^=Grebbrsaarrllk?=^= T'Shaini coughed then tried again. =^=T'Shaini here.=^=

=^=We have a hail from the Golnarran's requesting to speak with you..=^=

T'Shaini hurriedly adjusted her clothing and smoothed her hair behind her ears as she moved to the console. =^=Thank you, onscreen.=^=

The image of Ahatsunu filled the screen before her, the seemingly placid features giving away nothing. The Golnarran nodded before the light hiss of her…his…voice drifted over the channel. "Ambassador, we have identified the ship. It is the Kullaa, an exploratory vessel, they had been sent to a new system to see if the gas giant we had located would suit our mining needs, sixty two Golnarrans, mostly scientists and developement experts." Ahatsunu's cat like eyes blinked several times, T'Shaini internally postulated that it was an attempt to control emotion, though she had no real basis in fact for that assumption. "You say there were no life signs?" At T'Shaini's head shake the Golnarran's shoulders curled in a little tighter. "We would be grateful for any information that your investigations bring to light."

"I assure you, we will do our best to discover what has happened to your vessel. Captain Torrik has sent over a team, as soon as any data arrives I will be certain to inform you." She wished, wished, wished that they had more information about the Golnarran culture so she would know what was an appropriate way to express comfort, or ease…or in the worst case scenario, condolences. Hopefully there will be opportunity to discover more about them while we are here.

"I thank you and your Captain." Then with a gesture to someone T'Shaini could not see, Ahatsunu's image faded to black. Sliding back, T'Shaini rested her head against the back of her chair. "Scientists…a vessel filled with scientists. What could possibly have befallen them?" She ran her hands through her hair as if straightening it would align her thoughts. She was going to have to contact Nils and inform him of the latest exchange.

His hands spoke the words that his mouth didn't, saying 'Come back to bed Love,' as they massaged her shoulders once the viewscreen images had faded. "I could continue here or you could come lay down again," Javier whispered softly as his fingers unclasped her uniform's fasteners.

Her hand dropped onto his before tapping her commbadge. =^=T'Shaini to Captain Torrik.=^=

=^=Torrik here.=^=

=^=I have been contacted by Ahatsunu of the Golnarrans, they have identified the ship as the Kullaa, it was an exploratory vessel for future gas mines, staffed primarily with scientists.=^= She knew that the information would affect Nils, it seemed so senseless for such an innocuous ship to be in this position. =^=I assured them we would inform them of any information as soon as it was discovered.=^=

=^=Yes, of course. Torrik out.=^=

Once the communication was finished, T'Shaini reached up and grasped Javier's hand, grateful for his presence. Fighting the dizziness, she rose and allowed him to guide her back to the bed with a whispered 'thank you'.

With essential support from 'the man', Javier.

Simba Wekesa 05-29-2009 11:13:32 PM

U.S.S. Chimera
Deck Four, Primary

Usher Tenanji glanced over at Zal Govan, walking beside him, as the Cardassian checked the power levels on his phaser and slipped it back onto his belt. The two men walked quickly and silently along the corridor. But then, there was little to be said, and Usher was a man of few words. Their mission was simple enough, and until they had actually been aboard the Golnarran ship and gotten some answers, there wasn't anything to discuss.

The security chief felt somewhat better having assigned Govan to join the away team. It wasn't so much that the situation was any more dangerous than many of the other situations the Chimera's crew found themselves in. But with the veritable plethora of medical and engineering personnel coming on this particular mission, not to mention the untested cadets, an extra security officer certainly couldn't hurt. Besides, he'd worked with the Cardassian long enough to know he could rely on him in the event things took a turn for the worse.

=/\= "Torrik to Tenanji, we are good for insertion. Energize when your team assembles." =/\= The captain's voice came streaming over the comm.

"Acknowledged," Usher replied simply, tapping his commbadge as they rounded a corner and the transporter room doors opened at the security officers' approach. The rest of the away team was already assembled: Dr. Seldon along with a younger medical cadet that he didn't recognize, Chief Kowalski, and of course Cadets Star and Luku from his own security team. Stepping up onto the first step of the transporter platform, Tenanji turned to face the assembled away team. "Alright everybody, listen up," he ordered in a soft but firm tone. "We're going to transport into a corridor near the central axis of the Golnarran vessel. From there, we should have easy access to the bridge and engineering sections of the ship."

He looked over the assembled officers as if sizing each of them up. "Doctors, your priority will obviously be to look for any survivors that the sensors may not have picked up and determine the cause of death for any of the others. Kowalski, your job will be to get life support back online then access the computer logs and determine what happened over there…"

"Piece of cake, sir," Kal-El chimed in with his usual air of confidence.

"Thank you, Chief. In that case you should have no problem getting it done quite expediently," Tenanji replied dryly as Kowalski clammed up. "Security team will split up and secure the Kullaa, and obviously provide escort for the rest of the team." He paused as the transporter room doors opened again and Lt. Jada O'Keefe walked in briskly. "Can I help you with something, Lieutenant?"

"Captain wants me to join the team," she replied coolly, checking her tricorder as if it may have fallen out of its holster en route from the bridge.

"Very well, you'll be joining Kowalski in accessing the computer core. Any questions?" Usher glanced around at the faces of the away team, mentally counting to make sure they were all there and nearly forgetting to look down and register their newest security officer. "Alright, then, let's do this," he added when nobody responded as he ascended the remaining step and took his place on the transporter platform. The rest of the away team followed. "Set phasers on stun… energize."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The tingle of the transporter beam faded as the familiar interior of the transporter room was replaced by the alien corridor of the Golnarran vessel. Almost before he had fully materialized, Lt. Tenanji had powered on his wrist light and made a visual scan of the dimly lit corridor. It was empty, disappearing into the darkness in both directions, but with no apparent signs of damage. The air was stale, as the life support had apparently been offline for some time, and the ship was utterly silent and eerie. Like a tomb…

"All clear here, sir," Zal reported quietly as he looked off in the opposite direction at the emptiness.

Usher nodded without taking his eyes off the beam of light coming from his beacon. "Alright, let's move out. Star, Luku… accompany Kowalski and O'Keefe to the computer core. Govan and I will accompany the medical team. Report in every fifteen minutes or as soon as you find anything of note." He nodded to Seldon for confirmation and they began to move cautiously down the corridor.

Lisbet Ulrika 05-30-2009 12:36:13 PM
"Looks like mancation is over." Bet heard as she stepped through the doorway to the Sickbay. She saw Dr. Ayre standing next to a biobed with another man sitting on it with an unlit cigar hanging out of his mouth. Her sense of this man was one of extreme playfulness, belaying a capable seriousness. She liked him immediately.

“Mancations and R&R over? Does that mean we have a mission?” she asked as she approached them.

Seldon plucked the cigar out of his mouth, "It does indeed," he held his hand out towards the cadet, "Doctor Ulrika, I presume."

"Yes I am." She looked at Dr. Ayre and then back to Dr. Seldon and took his hand, "I'm guessing you are the new CMO. Dr. Ayre has been kind enough to catch me up on the goings on aboard ship. I was stopping by to grab Captain Torrik's med file, seems he has dodged his annual exam…" she consulted said file she had picked up as she approached the pair, "for the last year and half. Seems time someone forced him to submit."

"Good luck with that one, Kid." Seldon snickered, "I've been trying to get the ol'man down to sickbay since I got on this ship. He's got enough evasive maneuvers up his sleeve to…" Ender stopped short when he felt Ayre's eyes burning into him. It was Matt's subtle reminder to cut the Captain some slack. It had been nearly 6 months since they'd lost Munro (the real Munro), not a long time but enough time that the rest of the crew had begun to move on. If Torrik wasn't ready to face sickbay, he wasn't going to push him,"…well, let's just say he's got his reasons. If you want to make a house call, be my guest…" Ender punched a few commands into the PADD before looking up again at Lisbet, "But first, how'z about you and me take a little trip to the ghost ship?"

She felt the slight tension immediately between Seldon and Ayre and the care they both felt toward the Chimera's Bajoran Captain. It wasn't her job to push the point, if the CMO had reasons not to that would be fine with her. "Ghost ship? That sounds fun." She wasn't sure it would be, but sinking her teeth into a mystery was why she was here. "I will grab our kits. Will there be a briefing or shall we head directly to the transporter room?" She sensed the flutter of humor that Seldon felt at her eagerness and was slightly irritated but let it pass.

Seldon tossed her the PADD, "Read and walk. We'll go over what we know once we get to the transporter room."

They entered the transporter room, kits ready and found they were the last to be beamed over to the derelict ship. They each stood on their own pad and felt the familiar tingle of the transporter beam. The surrounding room of the transporter was replaced by the alien architecture of the Golnarran's ship. A security team was waiting for them, "Good you could join us," was all Tenanji said as he headed out the door.
A JP with myself and Endar Seldon.

Asmita Madri 05-30-2009 11:24:32 PM
"Madri! Please take the science station and get me some information on those residual energy signatures Wekesa was so kind to point out…” Nils' command tore Asmita from her stunned contemplation of the lifeless ship. The confused stare that had occupied her face instantly transformed into an expression of tight-lipped resolve.

"On it, Captain," she snapped to attention, her tone all business. This was the first real task she had been given aboard the Chimera, and she was determined to make an impression. What she lacked in social aptitude she knew she could make up for in technical ability.

The young J'naii's fingers were flying across the keypad before she even touched down in the science station chair. She mumbled to herself, barely a whisper, as her eyes fixed on the torrential stream of data pouring across the screen. "Those residuals aren't photons, obviously," she paused between words, struggling to think in terms of the numerical data in front of her while still giving words to her thoughts. "It's fading, but I'm picking up some graviton interference." She turned to face the captain, tearing herself away from the screen with visible effort, "They were tractored, sir, but the trace is too old to tell much more than that. If I had to venture a guess, I would say they were towed out here, maybe an hour ago."

Asmita was facing the viewscreen again before finishing the last sentence. With a few deft keypresses, she switched her view to the ship's parametric subspace scanners, searching the vicinity for cloaked ships and impulse drive trails. "I'm not picking up any other ships in the area, but that doesn't mean they aren't there. There's a lot of background radiation to sift through here."

Harry Finn 05-31-2009 04:38:23 PM
Throughout the Chimera, subspace messages sent from the dubious haven of Megiddo III shuffled through the systems, arriving at their intended locations and taking roost, until such time as their intended recipients would be able to take notice.


Location: Megiddo III - Residential Sector
Deliver Subspace Message to: Captain Torrik Nils
Commanding Officer
USS Chimera
Priority: Level 2

Captain Torrik, I’m pleased to inform you that Admiral Nechayev has released Lt. Fehr, Crewman Apprentice Anderson and myself from her service. I am less pleased to say that, on arriving at Megiddo III, we’ve found a serious dearth of transportation. I’m doing my best to secure a shuttle but, for certain reasons, it would be ill-advised for me to make a lot of waves with Flight Control. Vail will explain if you really want to know (but I don’t think you want to know).

I will keep you apprised of our progress. It is my intention to be underway ASAP.

Lt. Commander Finn


Location: Megiddo III - Residential Sector
Deliver Subspace Message to: Commander T’Shaini
Chief Counselor/Amabassador
USS Chimera
Priority: Level 2

Hey, trying to get the band back together but there’s red tape. Just wanted to make sure you were taking it easy and that Jav is still doing the heavy lifting.

Next time, listen to Djinn and take out the enemy when you have the chance. They’re called the enemy for a reason.

See ya when I see ya,


Location: Megiddo III - Residential Sector
Deliver Subspace Message to: Lt. Commander Costala
Chief of Engineering
USS Chimera
Priority: Level 2

Hello, my name is Harry and it has been 48 days since I hit another officer. We can compare the count when I catch up to you guys.

Also, going to see an old friend about some issues… if he’s heard anything about the holodeck thing, I’ll let you know.



Location: Megiddo III - Residential Sector
Deliver Subspace Message to: Dr. Kerrin Schaeffer
USS Chimera
Priority: Level 2

Time to say ‘I’m sorry’ again. There was a thing with an admiral and… anyway it’s over now and we’re trying to catch up to Chimera. On the colony at present and I’m pleased to report that I picked up a holoprogram of a county fair, ferris wheel included.

Hallows is not invited.

See you… not soon enough.


Location: Megiddo III - Residential Sector
Deliver Subspace Message to: Dr. Ender Seldon
USS Chimera
Priority: Level 2

Stay out of my stuff.



Location: Megiddo III - Residential Sector
Deliver Subspace Message to: Lt. jg Simba Wekesa
Chief Tactical Officer
USS Chimera
Priority: Level 2

Try not to break the ship, we just got her.

Lt. Commander Finn


Location: Megiddo III - Residential Sector
Deliver Subspace Message to: PO3 Benjamin Hyde Pierce
USS Chimera
Priority: Level 2

Harry’s giving me two minutes at the terminal but I had to say hello. We’re on Megiddo (it’s HUGE) and trying to find a transport to rendezvous with Chimera. I can’t wait to get home and pick up where we left off.

With luck we’ll be there by my birthday.


PS- I want you to know I typed that even with Harry reading over my shoulder… am I brave, or what? JA

PPS - Not as brave as Pierce will need to be. HF

Luku 06-1-2009 08:41:35 AM
Luku swept her wrist light from side to side, alert for any signs of trouble as the quartet proceeded down the deserted corridor. Walking alongside the S'ti'ach was Lieutenant O'Keefe, intently scanning the area with her tricorder, behind Luku stood Emily, wrist light similarly sweeping the way forward and beside her strolled an NCO engineer Lieutenant Tenanji had called Kowalski, who had a confident look on his face, almost as if he already knew where he was going.

This place was starting to give Luku the creeps, her enhanced hearing couldn't pick up a single sound other than her companions footsteps, their footsteps and the occasional, eerie creak of a hull plate, which only amplified the ‘ghostly’ vibe the whole place gave off.

"Okay ladies," O'Keefe stated calmly, eyes still on the tricorder, "Life Support should be just around-"

"There." interrupted Kowalski, pointing towards a large framed door to their right.

The Lieutenants burning stare was completely unnoticed by the engineer as he deftly moved to the doors control panel and snapped it open, within a matter of seconds the door itself swooched open.

"Right then, I'll get started." Kowalski smiled as he vanished into the large circuit filled room.

"Need a hand?" Luku offered, taking a step forward.

"Nope, got it covered." the room called back.

"Fine." O'Keefe snarled, "You," she pointed at Emily, "stay here, watch him, make sure he doesn't get us all killed! You," she pointed at Luku, "with me, let’s go get the core talking."

"Aye sir." The Cadets chorused as one.

"Right," the Lieutenant spun on the spot and went back to her tricorder, "let's go."

"Aye sir." Luku nodded as she followed, wrist light sweeping the corridor once more as they continued onwards, deeper into the ship…

Emily Star 06-2-2009 07:44:46 AM
Emily watched as Luku left, their lights disappearing as they wandered further into the ship.

Ship…she thought, Not like any ship I'm use to.

She held back the thoughts that remarked it was more of a tomb than a ship. It was silent, her senses were quiet. Something they rarely ever were. On the Chimera she could feel the life. She could feel the moods of the crew, it created an energy onboard. It made it feel like home.

There's no energy ..

Emily then realized she'd lost the man she was supposed to be with. Looking down the corridoor she called out,"Hello?" but the echo was the only thing to greet her.

A tingling of fear went up her spine as she realized she was alone.

"Oh stop it stupid.."she mumbled to herself,"You know where he went, now get yourself there."

Setting off with a brisk pace she followed suit. She just wanted to get home.

Harry Finn 06-2-2009 10:36:51 PM
::USS Chimera::
::Deck 9/Tertiary Section::

PO2 Vegal-Djinn stepped out of the last lab with a now-empty case, having just completed his task to arm every rated member of the vessel who was not already carrying a phaser. It had come as a shock to the petty officer how few of the Hawking transfers kept a weapon to hand. It was, he supposed, the sign of an exploratory vessel, rather than one of the Chimera’s more obviously tactical design.

Still, a Yellow Alert was a Yellow Alert. No one should risk being unarmed if a boarding scenario should occur. He was consulting the PADD in his right hand when the turbolift arrived and, without looking up, entered. “Deck 4.”

“You’re a brave one.”

“I beg your pardon?” Djinn glanced up, briefly, then again, as he realized the other occupant of the ‘lift was… extremely… pregnant. The teacher, Edded Baya… husband in Engineering, Edded Towak, one daughter, Feeya…

Edded Baya lay a weary hand on her swollen abdomen, sighing as the ‘lift began to move. Every jounce was like a twenty kilo weight hitting her bladder. “Most of the crew refuse to get into a turbolift with a pregnant woman.”

Djinn straightened, suddenly concerned, “Why?” he asked. “Is it considered ill-omened for the child?”

At that, Baya laughed out loud, then winced as the laughter caused her back to contract uncomfortably. Djinn automatically put down his case and held out a hand to steady the teacher. “Thanks,” she said, “Sorry… it’s just, there’s a superstition… I think the Terrans started it… that a lift is ten times more likely to fail if there is a pregnant female on it. And the closer she is to delivery, the greater the odds it will stick and, once stuck, the woman in question will immediately go into labor.”

Djinn’s face relaxed enough that there was a hint of a smile. “They are a strange people,” commented the half-Human, “much given to imagination.”

“That they are,” agreed the Bajoran. “Ensign Gorsky, in particular, tends to go a bit green every time I walk past.”

Gorsky, Sciences, AI and nano-tech… the half-breed’s memory supplied. He, at least, had been armed. “Even the most intelligent men may have very… wide… blind spots,” he told her. The ‘lift stopped announced deck 7. “Is this your stop?”

“Yes,” Baya gave his hand a squeeze, as she forced herself to waddle out of the ‘lift. “I’m having daily checkups, now. Probably this poor child will decide to come out in the middle of an engagement.” Stepping into the corridor, which glowed under the subtle amber warning of the Yellow Alert, she sighed, “I suppose I should count myself lucky I didn’t go into labor 400 years in the past.”

Seeing Ms. Edded’s clear discomfort, Djinn took the case and exited with her. Offering his arm, he smiled, a flash of warmth in the cool corridor, “Perhaps I could escort you to your appointment,” he offered. It would take no more than a few minutes, and truly, she did look, as Jones would say, knackered. His thoughts, unbidden, gave rise to his own mother… shunned by her Acamerian family and abandoned by the Human for whom she’d given up her home… making her way through a hostile sector, alone and with child.

“Oh, thank you,” she said, “Towak is on shift or he’d have come. I didn’t want to pull him away during a possible crisis…”

“Then I will stand for him, and see you safe to the doctor.”

Baya, hormones on overdrive, felt the tears begin well as she leaned gratefully on the Security officer’s arm. “I told you, you were a brave one.”

There was no way for Baya to know that Vegal’s mother, Sarout-Djinn, had always called him that, as well.

Featuring NPC's PO2 Vegal-Djinn and the ready to pop Edded Baya

Simba Wekesa 06-2-2009 11:55:45 PM

U.S.S. Chimera
Crew Quarters, Deck 9 Gamma

"Dammit," Jamal Hastings muttered under his breath as he sat down on his bunk and pulled his boots on. He hated yellow alert. Mostly because, as the highest-ranking enlisted crewmember in the tactical division, it required him to report to his post in the torpedo bay. Required him to report, but since it was only a yellow alert, there was nobody to actually fire at and thus, nothing to do. No doubt Chang would find plenty to keep him occupied, but unless there was going to be some excitement, he'd much rather stay and chill in his quarters.

Standing up, Jamal crossed his tiny quarters and grabbed his commbadge off the desk. He was lucky enough, holding the rank of Chief Petty Officer, not to have a roommate. Although there were times when he would have preferred the additional space that came along with a double room, he was a relatively private person and he liked having his own space. Besides, there were plenty of other NCOs living in this section of the Chimera's lower decks and he spent fairly little time in the veritable closet he'd been assigned to. And after three years on the Chimera, that closet was starting to feel like home.

"I'm gonna hear about this one," Jamal thought to himself, exiting the room, as he realized just how long it was taking him to get ready for duty. It had been six months since he had been reprimanded, and he wasn't eager to go back down that path. His younger self had had an attitude… a bad attitude… and his early days in Starfleet had been fraught with disciplinary actions. But then he'd been assigned to this ship and, somehow, had managed to find his groove and start to make something out of his career. It wasn't easy… the temptation to make a smartass crack to a senior officer or tell them where they could stick their orders was always hard to resist. Sometimes, it just felt like the right thing to do…

It wasn't even that Hastings was particularly obstinate or insubordinate. Truth to be told, he was really just the opposite. A sensitive, thoughtful kid who grew up in an area where the only way he would be respected was to be tough and angry. And now, all these years later in a completely different environment, those underlying tendencies were still engrained in his personality. 'Coping mechanisms,' the counselors called them. Jamal didn't put much stock in that, though. He knew he was as smart and capable as anyone else he had met in the fleet, and when it came right down to it, he never failed to perform his duties to the best of his ability. He was comfortable with who he was and he didn't care what anyone else thought about him. But having more 'street cred' than anyone else on the ship had become one of his trademarks, and he couldn't deny it… it was kind of fun.

By this time, he'd made it most of the way to the torpedo bay and was standing in the turbolift as it made its ascent into the alpha section of the Chimera. Jamal realized that he didn't even remember most of the trip here. It was like that, sometimes… autopilot. From his quarters, to his duty station, and back… he was pretty sure he could do it in his sleep. "Man, something's gotta give," he muttered to himself as the turbolift stopped ascending and began to move horizontally towards the forward section. Fortunately, Jamal was the type who made friends easily, so at least he could always find something to do with his off-duty time. And he liked most of his new shipmates who had come from the Hawking. Even his new boss, Wekesa; although he seemed a little uptight, but Hastings figured he could work on that. Although there was this one girl from security who kept coming around the torpedo bay and was starting to irk him…

His thoughts were interrupted as the turbolift doors opened and he nearly ran over a young cadet in a blue uniform. "My bad," he said softly as he bent down to pick up the PADD she had dropped and handed it to her with a sheepish grin.

"Don't worry about it… I should have watched where I was going," she replied, smiling back as she looked into Jamal's twinkling eyes. She stood there and smiled for a moment, then resumed her path down the corridor. Yeah, he could lay down the charm and he didn't even need to try. Nice.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Let's see if we can make it here before the Chimera is destroyed by enemy fire next time, shall we?" Ensign Susan Chang called out from her perch on the upper level as Jamal rushed into the torpedo bay. She didn't even look up from her console, and Jamal wasn't sure if she knew who she was actually talking to or just made a lucky guess.

"Sorry, ma'am, it won't happen again," he replied simply as he made his way across the room. She was always so dramatic. It was just a yellow alert, there was no enemy fire. At least… not yet. He nodded in approval as Cunningham handed him a PADD with the current status of the torpedo bay. Fully loaded, courtesy of their stopover at Earth, and all systems functioning normally.

Any time the ship was on alert, the torpedo bay transformed from its usual quiet space to a bustling hub of activity. Security and tactical personnel would be pulled from their normal duty stations to help keep the ship in the fight. Of course, at yellow alert, there wasn't much to do yet except be prepared in the event that the order for battle stations came down from the bridge. And naturally, she had to be there… the formerly Hawking security officer that was getting on his nerves. If he didn't know better, he would think she was following him. He was sure that she was staring at him now… he could feel her eyes on him, but there wasn't time to confront that now. Maybe it was just his imagination, but either way, there were more important things to do at the moment.

Jamal took a deep breath and called out to the rest of the crew in the launch bay. "Aight y'all, let's get these photons locked and loaded!"

Featuring CPO Jamal Hastings

Benjamin Hyde Pierce 06-4-2009 11:38:16 AM
::Security Office::
::Deck 3::

"Incoming message for…" Jameson glanced at the security console. "Pierce."

"Whose it from?" Darby Saunders asked absentmindedly as she slapped the power cell into the phaser rifle and handed it off to one of the new security officers. She sighed and hoped her Kallee-Wallee was safe aboard the ship the Chimera had found. If Cadets Star and Luku let anything happen to him..even being pink won't save Luku from getting bounced down a Jeffries Tube and Star might want to tell her sister goodbye.

"I don't read the crew's messages, Ensign," Chief Jameson remarked, before lowering his voice to say: "It's from Crewman Anderson." The senior NCO transferred the message to a PADD and placed it on the desk beside him.

"Oh good! He's been in such a funk since Jenny's been gone," Darbs admitted, some of her worry draining away, "Fenton has been trying to get him to go out more. It's sad, when Ben agrees to go he just sits in the lounge and stares out the view port. He won't go bowling with us anymore, Ben says it's no fun without Jenny."

Bill Jameson looked thoughtful then inclined his head to watch Saunders slap home another power cell. "Petty Officer Djinn said Pierce's training has taken a downturn. Has our resident gangster turned into.."

"A lovesick puppy?" Darby interjected.

"I was going to say.." before Chief Jameson could continue BHP popped up.

"Who's a lovesick puppy?" BHP asked as he walked out of the armory. He clipped the phaser he was carrying to his belt. Jameson knew that Pierce most likely had his trademark .45 holstered inside his right boot but didn't say anything to the Iotian. On more than one occasion Pierce had turned the tide of a fire-fight with his Iotian 'heater'. Pierce took the rifle Darbs handed him. "Who is a lovesick puppy?" he demanded. Ben had a feeling the two were talking about him. It's bad enough when you realize it yourself but when others start to come to the same conclusion..

"My Kallee.." Darby started to elaborate.

"Yeah that makes sense," Ben said abruptly, accepting the lie and cutting off Darbs. He gathered up two spare power cells from the desk and clipped them to his belt. "He's down in Engineering, so he'll be fine. If I know Kal-El, he's probably got a bunch of new crewman gathered around him while he works, so he can tell them about how awesome he is."

"No, he went over to the Golnarran ship." The ensign passed another phaser rifle to another security officer, who accepted it and made for his yellow alert team staging area.

"Pierce, message, here," Jameson instructed gruffly as the Senior Chief handed BHP the PADD. "Now cut the chatter and get to your position." Bill was already tired of Darby's incessant prattle and the addition of Pierce was beginning to grate on his frayed nerves.

"Aye Chief," Ben replied, pushing the rifle strap over his shoulder as he took the PADD. More orders? Regulation changes? New schedule, damn I hope it's a new duty shift. the Iotian thought as he began to scan over the message. His pace slowed rapidly as Ben decelerated in the middle of the corridor.

Harry’s giving me two minutes at the terminal but I had to say hello. We’re on Megiddo (it’s HUGE) and trying to find a transport to rendezvous with Chimera. I can’t wait to get home and pick up where we left off. With luck we’ll be there by my birthday.

Jenny is safe. He sighed in grateful relief. Someone plowed into him from behind and knocked the PADD out of his hands. "Watch it!" Ben growled at a meek looking science officer, who raised her hands in surrender and then scurried away from the security officer's wrath. He retrieved the PADD from the deck and began to walk towards his station, reading as he went. She's on Megiddo..the new one..and she's coming back! He kept reading. Her birthday? Oh. Yes. Yes, her birthday. Hot Damn! Jenny's birthday! Ben remembered the significance of that day. Jenny had told him before they had been pulled away from each other to go their separate ways in Normandy.

"I have to get her some presents," Ben said aloud, smacking himself in the forehead. Where do you find birthday gifts on the Chimera? And nice ones at that. Nice ones that broke security officers can afford. His brow furrowed in thought. When desperation set in Ben's thoughts tended to go a little Iotian. If I were at home I could have knocked over a bank or a pawn shop. Or at least scrounged around for somebody's mislaid valuables. But I'm not going to scrounge around on the Chimera. Morello's Law: You don't shit where you eat. And I doubt Jenny would want a ring or necklace that one of the other crew could identify as theirs. There's not any good heists aboard this ship. Now if there was another ship around..

Javier Costala 06-5-2009 12:13:41 AM

Kal-El paused. Did someone just say 'hello'? The engineer flashed his palm-light over the room then back towards the direction he was headed. The room was deathly quiet. 'As a deserted ship should be,' Kowalski surmised before continuing on his way. Footsteps behind him let the engineer know that his security escort was catching up. He wasn't familiar with Cadet Star, she didn't congregate with the other junior crew and they were in different departments so he had very little knowledge of what she was like. Not that he even cared, there were very few people aboard the ship that he had any real desire to spend time with. Darby was one of these, then there were some other people that he tolerated, then there were those that were thrust upon him during the course of his duty. Star was part of the last group.

"Good of you to catch up," Kowalski remarked as Star's footsteps grew louder, "what was the one thing you had to do? Oh that's right, keep up with me and act like my guard." Security was Kal-El's least favorite department and so Star would suffer Kowalski's prejuidice by association. The engineer shook his head then glanced down at his tricorder. The two arrived at a T-junction among the circuitry panels. "There seems to be a minor energy signature from.." he swept his tricorder in an arc, then stepped to the right, "this direction." Soon Kal-El found himself in a control room of sorts. He managed to connect his tricorder to a console then ran a quick diagnostic of the systems while also uploading a Golnarran languag program that would help him decipher the controls and their functions.

"We can't do anything without power," the engineer complained as he tapped his commbadge. =/\=Kowalski to Lieutenant O'Keefe, I'm going to have an extremely difficult, dare I say impossible, time getting life support running without some juice.=/\=

=/\=Stand by Chief Kowalski, we've hit a snag down here. The ship must have been incapacitated by an ion weapon. There was a massive overload in the core and we'll have to do a cold restart..=/\=

Blah, blah, blah, do the job woman and stop yakking at me, Kowalski thought with an impatient sigh. I would have had the system up and running five minutes ago. =/\=Okay lieutenant, I'll know when you have the power on when it comes on I guess, Kowalski out.=/\= cutting off O'Keefe and restoring her faith in the male sex's ability to annoy the shit out of her.

Featuring the one and only Kal-El Kowalski

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Star Trek: Megiddo (
- USS Chimera (
- - Dead Space: Bad Epitaph (

Torrik Nils 05-26-2009 10:02:35 AM
Dead Space: Bad Epitaph

:: USS Chimera ::
:: Gamma Quadrant ::

Captain’s Personal Log Stardate 62391.5…

Life aboard Chimera has settled into a decent and quiet hum. After offloading several crew members and adding even more, we’re at full capacity for our ship class and mission profile – a mission profile which has me excited to be aboard. The path between the Bajoran wormhole terminus and Megiddo space is well trod and well explored. We have therefore been ordered to take a ‘circuitous’ route home. Our orders have us charting and surveying several systems that have been largely ignored. In other words, we’re exploring. And I for one couldn’t be more pleased.
Captain Torrik closed his log recorder and made his way back to the bridge. As the doors swished open Usher Tenanji rose from the center seat and took his place at the Security terminal. The division of tactical from security had thus far been working ideally. That arrangement only made good sense from Nils’ perspective. And Lt. Wekesa had slipped into the role of Chief Tactical officer with great ease.

What hadn’t been easy was Harry Finn’s mysterious departure. Despite numerous inquiries Admiral Necheyev had nothing to say on the matter apart from ‘sit tight, he’ll be back.’ Vail had shed a little light on the subject and the Bajoran CO had no choice but to set out without Finn and their missing crew. At some point Nils knew he and Harry would have to sit down and hash out the ‘darker’ shades of his past.

But for now, all seemed well. Nils had joined Javier and T’Shaini for dinner two times since they left Earth and he’d not felt even remotely uncomfortable. Perhaps remotely…but only just… And although Seldon had left numerous messages, Nils had found ways to avoid a physical for the past two weeks. He’d also found plenty of time to spend in the holodeck practicing the more challenging aspects of ‘wave sliding.’ In addition, the new crew members were settling in nicely, and over all everything was going well.

And that is exactly how Nils knew it was about to go seven shades of awry…

“Captain,” started O’Keefe from science. Her rigid features matched her stone cold eyes. “I’m picking up a vessel on sensors. It appears she’s powered down and adrift.”

“Life signs?” A cold chill ran up the back of the Bajoran’s neck.

“I can’t determine from this range… But the ship configuration is Golnarran.” O’Keefe’s fingers danced over her console as she pulled up more information. “The Golnarrans are a Gamma race that the Federation is just getting to know. It looks like we have loose trade negotiations in place, but deeper political ties have yet to be established.”

“Alright,” said Nils as he leaned back in his chair. “Set a course and take us in. Let’s find out what’s going on.”

“Aye, sir,” chimed Ven from the Helm. “Closing the distance.”

A few minutes past before Jezera said, “I’ve got a visual, sir.”

“Put it on screen,” answered Nils. He leaned forward and examined the image as if his eyes were a sensor pallet.

“Telemetry clearing, sir,” O’Keefe said still engrossed in her station.

“Report,” answered Nils, falling into the rhythm of bridge activity.

“Minor structural damage to the hull, and an isolated breach. Emergency bulkheads seem to be in place however and there is breathable atmosphere on board. No signs of explosive decompression. Also…no signs of life.” She looked up then waiting for instruction.

“Ship’s systems?” The young Captain turned to his Chief of Science and resisted the urge to man the station himself. “Why are the adrift?”

“I don’t know that, sir. But all systems appear to be operational. Engines and life support are offline, however.”

Nils sighed deeply. “Alright, let’s put together a team. Let’s find out what’s going on over there.”

Once again, the desire to ‘get up and go’ tugged at the Bajoran’s pagh. But he knew his place was on the bridge. The Chimera’s crew was well trained and they didn’t need him babysitting them. Leaning back once more in his seat, Nils steepled his fingers over his lips and narrowed his eyes. The little ship on the viewscreen spun slowly - almost imperceptibly. It appeared to be asleep in space. But dark suspicion and limited experience informed him otherwise. The ship was not asleep… She was dead.

T'Shaini 05-26-2009 12:59:06 PM
USS Chimera
Counselor's office

T'Shaini looked over the PADD one more time as if some new information would spring to life if given another chance, but no such luck. Her first actual envoy into some sort of diplomatic mission and she felt as though she had just somehow chanced to walk down a wrong corridor and was fumbling for the exit. Ah well… Once the reports from the Bridge had come in, the Counselor/Ambassador had contacted the Captain, willing, if not eager to do her ambassadorial duties. Whether I have a clear idea of what they are or not.

She stalled for a moment, putting her head down on the cool surface of her desk letting the fatigue take over. It was frustrating, this long convalescence, T'Shaini was so used to her body doing whatever she wished, whenever she wished that the constant battle with exhaustion and dizziness was beginning to frustrate her. Thank goodness for the time on Earth. She thought with a sigh. Pushing herself upright, she smiled at the hovering David.

"Establish communication with the Golnarran then patch me in." Not only more in keeping with protocol to have someone besides the Ambassador make initial contact, but no matter the species, T'Shaini assumed that her yeoman's earnest open manner would signal good will. Within moments his wave indicated his success.

"On screen, please." The view screen before her lit, the elongated body and facial features lending a stern aesthetic to the Golnarran, it's light blue skin almost glowing from within. "You wish to speak with us Ambassador T'Shaini from the Federation?" The voice high and whisper thin, somehow matched their appearance.

"Indeed, I wished to inform you that the crew of the USS Chimera has encountered a Golnarran vessel, adrift in space…there were no life signs, and with your permission we would like to investigate. Have you had any contact with this vessel?"

A glance toward the left was the only indication that the Golnarran had other sources that it was referring to. "We have many ships going between our gas mines, it could have been one of thousands, we will need to research further before we can pinpoint any one." The gaze darted left again, then nodded almost imperceptibly. "Yes, please investigate, T'Shaini of the Federation, inform us of what you discover and we will contact you once more is known on our end."

"Thank you, we will be in contact as soon as we have more information. It was a pleasure to speak with you…"

"Ahatsunu. A pleasure for us as well." Then abruptly the screen went dark.

=^= T'Shaini to Captain Torrik. =^=

=^=Go ahead, T'Shaini.=^=

=^= I have made contact with the Golnarran, we have permission to proceed, T'Shaini out.=^=

Asmita Madri 05-26-2009 01:50:53 PM
USS Chimera - Biology Lab

Engrossed in an exploration mission of her own, Asmita examined the long gleaming rows of high-tech equipment that lined the walls of the biology lab on deck two. Mycoreplicators, subsonic oscillatory catalyst generators – though the ship was built for combat, the lab was better equipped than any she had ever seen. And this is just one of ten, she thought, the sheer joy of the thought almost overwhelming her.

Geoff Parker looked up from the viewscreen of a microscope to flash Asmita a worried glance, “Are you gonna be alright, there?”

The young J’naii started as the sound of the man’s voice. “I am quite a bit better than alright,” she said, subconsciously straightening out her uniform.

Geoff chuckled, “I was pretty amazed by the stuff they’ve got here when I came aboard, too.” He sighed, turning back to the screen, “But you learn to resent it after a long day of calibrating microscopes.”

Asmita laughed at the comment, hoping it was a joke. The air in the lab suddenly felt thick and stifling, though she knew the ship’s life support systems kept the entire ship in a common comfort zone. “I’d better go,” she said, heading toward the exit. Once again absorbed in his work with the microscope, the lab technician did not respond.

USS Chimera - Bridge

Asmita arrived on the bridge with a cheerful smile, eager to see the crew at work. As she glanced up at the viewscreen, however, her smile melted. Dimly outlined on the screen, a ship she did not recognize hung lifelessly in space. Though she couldn’t be entirely sure what was going on, she knew it was trouble.

Ender Seldon 05-26-2009 11:55:19 PM
:: USS Chimera ::
:: Sickbay ::

Ender chomped on an unlit cigar (a gift from Harry Finn that Harry had no idea he had given Ender), folded his arms behind his head and laid back on a biobed. He had just returned from Earth and was taking a moment to enjoy the quiet hum of sickbay, 'a moment like this is rare', he thought to himself, 'at least it seemed to be on this ship'. Ender was a private man (hidden by an exaggerated extroverted personality) with a prodigious memory that catalogued medical facts and dirty jokes with equal facility. If Chimera had an HR department, Seldon would have been written up for treading into red zone territory on more than one occasion, but most understood his personality. He was harmless. He closed his eyes, bit down hard on the cigar and pretended to exhale a lungful of aromatic smoke, a glassy smile appearing on his face.

"What are you so happy about?" Matt Ayre's thick Scottish accent cut across the empty sickback.

Ender opened one eye, "I had myself a mancation, Matt. I feel renewed, rejeved and ready to take on the next whinner that walks through that door. Hell. I may not even complain about it for a few days."

"Unlikely." Matt tossed a PADD onto the doctor's chest, "I'd ask what one does when they go on "mancation" but knowing you it's probably…"

"Exciting? Fun? Memorable?"

"I was going to say 'dirty and gross' but sure, those will do."

Ender snickered as he swung his legs around the side of the biobed. He sat up, cigar still between his teeth and held the PADD out infront of him, "Is this about the new doctor, Cadet Ulrika? I've been meaning to go find her. She comes highly recommend, I hear she's a fraking Picasso with a scalpel…in fact…she may be after your job."

"If it means getting away from you…she can have it." Matt smiled, "And no, it's from the bridge."

Ender sighed as he skimmed the report, "You'd think we get something easy, just once. Did you know the Captain still hasn't come down for a check-up! He's skipped the last 4 appointments. How many people on this crew have I saved?"

Matt shrugged.

"Too many to count, that's how many. And does he say anything? 'Good job, Ender. By golly you're a swell doctor'. A simple thank you is all I’m looking for. Klingon, Russian, Hebrew, Farsi, I don’t care. The man is avoiding me like the Rudellian plague."

"This could turn out to be nothing," Matt continued, "It's an empty Golnarran vessel. No signs of life, engines and life support are offline…"

Ender nodded, "Ghost ship. No damage or dead bodies hidden anywhere, huh?"

"Not that anyone can tell," Matt shrugged, "we won't know until we get a closer look."

Ender frowned, "Looks like mancation is over."

Luku 05-27-2009 06:34:52 PM
::USS Chimera ::
::Deck Four::

Luku walked down one of Chimeras many corridors towards her quarters, as she walked the S'ti'ach's mind wandered back onto the last few days aboard ship.

They had been quite an experience, first her meeting with the Captain, then had been the meeting with the security staff, then she had been given a veritable pile of PADD's to learn from, all the ins and outs of ships protocol, locations of weapons lockers, who to contact in the event of several dozen different situations, what to do in the case of ship separation, the list went on and on…

Oh, and of course there was the task of learning to cope with the Chimeras sheer size, she had encountered a similar problem with her short time aboard the Odyssey, and that ship and been a mere newt compared to this behemoth.

Then of course there was the height issue…

All around the ship the multitude of switches and wall panels were situated at around waist to mid-torso height for the average sized humanoid, which was about a metre higher than if you took those measurements from the S’ti’ach’s petite frame. That, coupled with the fact that a fair few of Chimeras door sensors clearly had not been calibrated with someone of Lukus stature in mind, left her having to 'jump' in front of the doors for them to open.

"I will have to make a point to pop down engineering at some point to if that could be remedied somehow." Luku mused to herself.

A chirp from her comm badge brought her reminiscing thoughts sharply back to the present.

"Security to Cadet Luku." the rich accent of Lieutenant Tenanji flowed over the comm.

"Luku here."

"Please report to my office."

"Aye sir." The S'ti'ach replied smartly, as she turned and headed back the way she had come.

"I wonder what this is all about." She pondered out loud to no-one in particular…

Simba Wekesa 05-28-2009 10:24:31 AM

U.S.S. Chimera
Chief of Tactical's Office - Deck 3 Beta

Lieutenant Simba Wekesa smiled to himself, closing his eyes and enjoying the peace and quiet of his office, as he leaned back in his chair and put his feet up on the desk. The soft hum of the ship's engines threatened to lull him to sleep. With Fehr away on a classified mission and Grimm on medical leave, the remaining tactical officers were all working overtime for the past few days. Besides, Simba found it somewhat hard to let go of actually doing the work himself and had spent half of the trip back to the Gamma quadrant inside of a Jefferies Tube. As much as part of him wanted to give in to the urge to nap, he was due on the bridge in just a few minutes.

Cautiously, he slowly opened his eyes and stared at the corner of the office. It was still there. An extremely large, bluish-purple plant with sharp, pointed leaves that had somehow managed to remain in the office when it had been cleared of Lt. Grimm's possessions. It looked somehow predatory and hostile, though the computer had assured him that it was actually quite harmless. But it was huge. Far too large for an office of this size, in an overstated kind of way. He had no idea where it had come from, although he had seen an equally mammoth plant of a similar variety in Tenanji's office across the corridor, and he was sure that it wasn't a coincidence.

Making a mental note to send his office guest on to Grimm's next posting as soon as they arrived at Megiddo, the young officer rose from his chair and smoothed the wrinkles out of his uniform. The day was shaping up alright so far. The last of the repairs from the battle with the Anomaly had been completed and his torpedo bay crew had finished their overhaul of the guidance systems. It was looking like a smooth, productive day ahead.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"-systems appear to be operational. Engines and life support are offline, however," Lt. O'Keefe was saying as the turbolift doors opened onto the bridge.

Simba nodded to a passing crewman as he exited the lift and glanced at the viewscreen. A small ship of a configuration he didn't recognize was tumbling slowly through space, apparently adrift and devoid of life. Quickly, he made his way to his tactical console.

"Alright, let’s put together a team. Let’s find out what’s going on over there," Captain Torrik ordered with a sigh as he sat in the center seat, intently focused on the ship.

"Report," Simba inquired of Ensign Fuentas as he slipped in behind the tactical console to relieve her.

"We've come across a small Golnarran ship with no apparent signs of life and minor damage. We're just starting the investigation, sir." Fuentas tapped a final series of commands into the console and stepped back to allow Wekesa access.

"Understood. Thank you, Ensign."

Fuentas nodded silently, then turned to leave the bridge and go off-duty. Simba was always impressed with her efficiency, as well as her calmness no matter the situation. As she departed, he focused his attention on the many readouts and displays on his console.

"Sensors detect no other ships in the area, Captain." He paused and looked over the data once again. "I am picking up some residual energy signatures in the damaged sections of the ship's hull, possibly from some type of energy weapon. The weapon's signature doesn't match anything in the tactical database. Recommend we maintain yellow alert until the away team returns."

So much for a smooth day.

Javier Costala 05-28-2009 02:00:33 PM
-Main Engineering-

"Never seen that type of ship before, Commander," Ensign Bernard Jax commented as he studied the specifications of the ship that the Chimera had found. A small group of engineers had gathered around one of the main engineering consoles to get a peek at the unfamiliar ship as the Chimera's sensors scanned the transport. "What are they called? The Golgafinchians?"

"Golgothians, I think," Cadet Pova chimed in.

"No, it's the Gonorrheans," Jeremy said. The name seemed almost correct, he'd heard that species' name somewhere, it had to be correct.

Javier had to look away, a fit of laughter threatening to burst forth from the Chief Engineer. He bit his bottom lip and looked towards Upper Engineering where the newly promoted Delano Mills was instructing the most recent edition to the department in the subtle art of ODN network repair. Crewman Apprentice Piper Villa followed Mills' instruction with rapt attention and eagerly nodded when Mills explained the finer points of the job. After ridding himself of Foxe's cronies, Javier had recruited Mustapha's help in getting some fresh blood from Mars Technical Academy. The ship had succeeded in recruiting four promising young engineers from the college. Kroege, a Kobheerian, and someone the Chief Engineer would rather not meet in a dark alley late at night, was adjusting well as far as his work ethic went. Then there were the three human cadets, Piper Villa, Bertrand Francks and Jason Todd, a group who were collectively called PB&J by the senior ncos. If they hadn't been PB&J Javier might have called them 'the Three Musketeers' because they were inseparable, except when on duty because Javier had sent 'J' to work under Chief Suko's tutelage.

Try as he might Javier had not been able to rid himself and the Chimera of Lieutenant Foxe. The engineer was what Pierce would have referred to as a 'bad penny'. Foxe's transfer papers had been lost or stolen or mislaid, Javier didn't know which, he only knew that Foxe was still aboard and still listed as an engineer. It was enough to drive one insane. Luckily his new assistant chief had found a way of shuffling the engineers around so that Foxe spent most of his time out of Javier's sight. Besides being strikingly beautiful, Li Yeoh was also and excellent administrator. Although she did not have the repore with the engineers that Mustapha had had she was still an excellent choice for ACEO.

Kal-El Kowalski walked by the console, nodded to the Chief Engineer then glanced at the ship on the display. "Ahh the Golnarrans," the CPO stated then returned his attention to the PADD as he walked away.

Javier looked to the console then back to Kowalski, obviously the man was familiar with some aspect of the species. Who better to send on the away team. And since I need to stay here in case T'Shaini needs me.. "Kowalski!"

"Yes, Chief?" the man said as he spun around to face Costala.

"You just volunteered for the away team."

Emily Star 05-29-2009 06:47:35 AM
Emily tugged on the collar of her uniform and headed into security. She couldn't shake the feeling that something interesting, or horrible was about to happen. She relied on her betazoid senses to keep her informed but the vibe she was getting about this trip wasn't entirely encouraging. Sighing lightly she mumbled a random curse under her breath and turned on her heels. She failed to notice the smaller being walking in the same general direction as her. Which of course put her clumsy feet right in its way.

"Gah," she let out a startled yelp,"I'm so sorry!"

Luku chuckled lightly as she rubbed her head, "It is okay, you are only the second person to…miss me today, so comparatively I am having a good day so far."

The S'ti'ach smiled a toothy smile and offered one of her upper hand, "Cadet 3rd Luku."

She accepted the offered hand and smiled,"Emily Star," she paused and decided to leave off her rank. She'd been around so long it was embarrassing to mention how low on the ladder she still was, "Welcome aboard, I hope you knew what you signed up for when you joined this crew." she let out a small laugh,"We have a habit of finding trouble. Which of course means you're never going to be bored."

She thought for a moment and wondered if she'd prefer a quieter post. Perhaps aboard a station. Never moving, always seeing the same view whenever you looked out the window. Naa.

"If I was you though, I'd just find ways of making myself known whenever you enter a room. Perhaps gnaw on the ankles of those who try to walk on you." she stopped and looked at her feet,"Just not mine.."

Luku's ears perked up, "I have learned during my time so far in Starfleet that chewing on people very rarely gets me noticed the way I want to be." The S'ti'ach's ears twitched slightly as she recalled what biting a Klingon Cadet could lead to. "Yes, it has been…quite educating so far," she smiled, "so, any idea what brings us both to Security? Apart from Lieutenant Tenanji calling us here I mean."

"We're going to make a house call.. "she raised an eyebrow, "ship call..," she shrugged, "Either way we're going off ship," Emily was almost confusing herself with her babbling. She had a horrible habit of doing that and it escalated when she wasn't paying attention, "Anyways.. I'm never quite sure how to handle Tenanji. He and I have a way of… not communicating so great. Would you like to go first?"

"Oh no, by all means, tallest first, I'm here to learn from you guys after all." Luku smiled the S'ti'ach equivalent of a cheeky grin as she bowed and offered the way into Tenanji's office.

Emily nodded and let out a chuckle. She liked Luku, despite her size she definitely was able to keep up with the 'taller' ones around. Probably put a few in their place while training!, "Alright, but if anything goes wrong…gnaw his ankles." she gave a nod before heading into Tenanji's office. He sat at his desk, his usual place as Emily rarely saw him moving about the room.

"Sir," she felt her voice squeak a little and then even out, "Reporting as directed, Star and," she looked down, "Luku."

The Lieutenant gave a nod and motioned for them to both come closer, "Luku, if you'd like to take a seat. I admit my desk is a little high and I'm sure you'd prefer to see who you're talking to." he stopped talking for a moment allowing her to move before continuing,"It's a simple away mission, we're heading over to the Golnarran vessel to investigate and report back what we find. So far we've picked up no life signs, which means we can presume the crew has been kidnapped or.."he stopped without having to say more than continued,"Whoever or whatever is responsible may still be a threat. Arm yourselves. I'll be leading this mission so if you have any questions I'll be able to answer them." he stopped again,"Are there any questions?"

Emily shook her head 'no' and looked at Luku.

"Would you prefer us to take rifles sir, or will the hand phasers be sufficient?" The S'ti'ach piped up as she pulled herself up onto the seat.

A small smile crept across Tenanji's features, "Hand phasers should be sufficient Cadet, but kudos on asking anyway."

Luku nodded, "In that case, permission to requisition two of them from the armoury sir?"

The Lieutenant raised an eyebrow and lent down onto his desk, "Two? May I enquire as to why Cadet?"

"Yes sir," Luku smiled politely as she stood up on her chair, "As the saying goes I believe, 'Many hands make light work.' and I am," she brought her hands out in front of her, "somewhat gifted with an extra pair."

Containing the giggles that wished to come out was not easy. Emily thought that Luku's way with words was not only perfectly charming but insanely hilarious. Having her around was going to bring a bit of life to security, that was for sure.

"Very well Cadet, two it is," Tenanji tapped away on a PADD held in his hand, "and only one for you." he gave Emily a sideways glance.

"Yes sir," she nodded, smiling at Luku.

"Go pick up your weapons and meet me in the transporter room. You have a little less than half an hour. Dismissed" Tenanji's eyes returned to the PADD he was holding and silence crept about the room.

Emily motioned for Luku to leave first, "After you," she said quietly.

The S'ti'ach smiled and nodded, strolling over to the office door, which stayed firmly shut in front of her…

"Ah, little help?"

"They need to adjust that," Emily said with a raised eyebrow, heading over to the door it whooshed open upon her approach. As the pair left the doors closed swiftly behind them , "Yeesh," she said looking at Luku, "You've got a lot to deal with on a starship. Being trod on, doors ignoring you…I'd go crazy." they both turned and headed down the corridor towards the armoury.

Luku smiled another toothy smile, "Well you know what they say, 'It's not the size'…"

JP with the wonderfully vertically challenged handy-girl Luku

Torrik Nils 05-29-2009 10:54:17 AM
:: USS Chimera ::
:: Bridge ::

The yellow alert lighting scheme aboard a Prometheus vessel was much more subdued than aboard Hawking. It was less severe and jarring. Wekesa’s suggestion to remain on yellow alert was well founded and as they hung off the starboard bow of the alien vessel, they remained watchful. Nils considered what lay in wait for them aboard the Golnarran ship.

“O’Keefe please join the away team. I’d like to get some science eyes on that ship.” Glancing around Nils noticed a new crewmember, hovering on the bridge. He racked his brain before uttering, “Madri!” Please let that be right. The J'naii looked his way so he assumed he got it right. “Please take the science station and get me some information on those residual energy signatures Wekesa was so kind to point out…”

The Bajoran glanced down at his console and made some notes. A distinct and distracting sense of dread overcame him as he realized he was sending another away team into unknown dangers. With a deep sigh he grasped both arms of his chair and began balancing chemical equations in his head. Hopefully, the mild brain calisthenics would ease his angst.

The counselor’s soothing voice brought Nils from his thoughts. =^= T'Shaini to Captain Torrik. =^=

”Go ahead, T'Shaini,” Nils answered earnestly.

=^= I have made contact with the Golnarran, we have permission to proceed, T'Shaini out.=^=

“Very good,” said the CO. “Torrik to Tenanji, we are good for insertion. Energize when your team assembles.”

Nils swallowed hard and gripped his armrests once again. Anxiety gnawed at his guts and he said a silent prayer. “Let’s hope this goes smoothly…”

T'Shaini 05-29-2009 12:15:29 PM
::Chief Engineer's quarters::

A sharp beeping sound jolted the Counselor awake, she really had only meant to sit for a moment, but then Javier had come in and reading her exhaustion, had encouraged her to lay down. His warm hands soothing her tired muscles had lulled her into sleep. Scrambling to rise, and not knock Javier unconscious with her flailing limbs, T'Shaini groggily responded to the call.

=^=Grebbrsaarrllk?=^= T'Shaini coughed then tried again. =^=T'Shaini here.=^=

=^=We have a hail from the Golnarran's requesting to speak with you..=^=

T'Shaini hurriedly adjusted her clothing and smoothed her hair behind her ears as she moved to the console. =^=Thank you, onscreen.=^=

The image of Ahatsunu filled the screen before her, the seemingly placid features giving away nothing. The Golnarran nodded before the light hiss of her…his…voice drifted over the channel. "Ambassador, we have identified the ship. It is the Kullaa, an exploratory vessel, they had been sent to a new system to see if the gas giant we had located would suit our mining needs, sixty two Golnarrans, mostly scientists and developement experts." Ahatsunu's cat like eyes blinked several times, T'Shaini internally postulated that it was an attempt to control emotion, though she had no real basis in fact for that assumption. "You say there were no life signs?" At T'Shaini's head shake the Golnarran's shoulders curled in a little tighter. "We would be grateful for any information that your investigations bring to light."

"I assure you, we will do our best to discover what has happened to your vessel. Captain Torrik has sent over a team, as soon as any data arrives I will be certain to inform you." She wished, wished, wished that they had more information about the Golnarran culture so she would know what was an appropriate way to express comfort, or ease…or in the worst case scenario, condolences. Hopefully there will be opportunity to discover more about them while we are here.

"I thank you and your Captain." Then with a gesture to someone T'Shaini could not see, Ahatsunu's image faded to black. Sliding back, T'Shaini rested her head against the back of her chair. "Scientists…a vessel filled with scientists. What could possibly have befallen them?" She ran her hands through her hair as if straightening it would align her thoughts. She was going to have to contact Nils and inform him of the latest exchange.

His hands spoke the words that his mouth didn't, saying 'Come back to bed Love,' as they massaged her shoulders once the viewscreen images had faded. "I could continue here or you could come lay down again," Javier whispered softly as his fingers unclasped her uniform's fasteners.

Her hand dropped onto his before tapping her commbadge. =^=T'Shaini to Captain Torrik.=^=

=^=Torrik here.=^=

=^=I have been contacted by Ahatsunu of the Golnarrans, they have identified the ship as the Kullaa, it was an exploratory vessel for future gas mines, staffed primarily with scientists.=^= She knew that the information would affect Nils, it seemed so senseless for such an innocuous ship to be in this position. =^=I assured them we would inform them of any information as soon as it was discovered.=^=

=^=Yes, of course. Torrik out.=^=

Once the communication was finished, T'Shaini reached up and grasped Javier's hand, grateful for his presence. Fighting the dizziness, she rose and allowed him to guide her back to the bed with a whispered 'thank you'.

With essential support from 'the man', Javier.

Simba Wekesa 05-29-2009 11:13:32 PM

U.S.S. Chimera
Deck Four, Primary

Usher Tenanji glanced over at Zal Govan, walking beside him, as the Cardassian checked the power levels on his phaser and slipped it back onto his belt. The two men walked quickly and silently along the corridor. But then, there was little to be said, and Usher was a man of few words. Their mission was simple enough, and until they had actually been aboard the Golnarran ship and gotten some answers, there wasn't anything to discuss.

The security chief felt somewhat better having assigned Govan to join the away team. It wasn't so much that the situation was any more dangerous than many of the other situations the Chimera's crew found themselves in. But with the veritable plethora of medical and engineering personnel coming on this particular mission, not to mention the untested cadets, an extra security officer certainly couldn't hurt. Besides, he'd worked with the Cardassian long enough to know he could rely on him in the event things took a turn for the worse.

=/\= "Torrik to Tenanji, we are good for insertion. Energize when your team assembles." =/\= The captain's voice came streaming over the comm.

"Acknowledged," Usher replied simply, tapping his commbadge as they rounded a corner and the transporter room doors opened at the security officers' approach. The rest of the away team was already assembled: Dr. Seldon along with a younger medical cadet that he didn't recognize, Chief Kowalski, and of course Cadets Star and Luku from his own security team. Stepping up onto the first step of the transporter platform, Tenanji turned to face the assembled away team. "Alright everybody, listen up," he ordered in a soft but firm tone. "We're going to transport into a corridor near the central axis of the Golnarran vessel. From there, we should have easy access to the bridge and engineering sections of the ship."

He looked over the assembled officers as if sizing each of them up. "Doctors, your priority will obviously be to look for any survivors that the sensors may not have picked up and determine the cause of death for any of the others. Kowalski, your job will be to get life support back online then access the computer logs and determine what happened over there…"

"Piece of cake, sir," Kal-El chimed in with his usual air of confidence.

"Thank you, Chief. In that case you should have no problem getting it done quite expediently," Tenanji replied dryly as Kowalski clammed up. "Security team will split up and secure the Kullaa, and obviously provide escort for the rest of the team." He paused as the transporter room doors opened again and Lt. Jada O'Keefe walked in briskly. "Can I help you with something, Lieutenant?"

"Captain wants me to join the team," she replied coolly, checking her tricorder as if it may have fallen out of its holster en route from the bridge.

"Very well, you'll be joining Kowalski in accessing the computer core. Any questions?" Usher glanced around at the faces of the away team, mentally counting to make sure they were all there and nearly forgetting to look down and register their newest security officer. "Alright, then, let's do this," he added when nobody responded as he ascended the remaining step and took his place on the transporter platform. The rest of the away team followed. "Set phasers on stun… energize."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The tingle of the transporter beam faded as the familiar interior of the transporter room was replaced by the alien corridor of the Golnarran vessel. Almost before he had fully materialized, Lt. Tenanji had powered on his wrist light and made a visual scan of the dimly lit corridor. It was empty, disappearing into the darkness in both directions, but with no apparent signs of damage. The air was stale, as the life support had apparently been offline for some time, and the ship was utterly silent and eerie. Like a tomb…

"All clear here, sir," Zal reported quietly as he looked off in the opposite direction at the emptiness.

Usher nodded without taking his eyes off the beam of light coming from his beacon. "Alright, let's move out. Star, Luku… accompany Kowalski and O'Keefe to the computer core. Govan and I will accompany the medical team. Report in every fifteen minutes or as soon as you find anything of note." He nodded to Seldon for confirmation and they began to move cautiously down the corridor.

Lisbet Ulrika 05-30-2009 12:36:13 PM
"Looks like mancation is over." Bet heard as she stepped through the doorway to the Sickbay. She saw Dr. Ayre standing next to a biobed with another man sitting on it with an unlit cigar hanging out of his mouth. Her sense of this man was one of extreme playfulness, belaying a capable seriousness. She liked him immediately.

“Mancations and R&R over? Does that mean we have a mission?” she asked as she approached them.

Seldon plucked the cigar out of his mouth, "It does indeed," he held his hand out towards the cadet, "Doctor Ulrika, I presume."

"Yes I am." She looked at Dr. Ayre and then back to Dr. Seldon and took his hand, "I'm guessing you are the new CMO. Dr. Ayre has been kind enough to catch me up on the goings on aboard ship. I was stopping by to grab Captain Torrik's med file, seems he has dodged his annual exam…" she consulted said file she had picked up as she approached the pair, "for the last year and half. Seems time someone forced him to submit."

"Good luck with that one, Kid." Seldon snickered, "I've been trying to get the ol'man down to sickbay since I got on this ship. He's got enough evasive maneuvers up his sleeve to…" Ender stopped short when he felt Ayre's eyes burning into him. It was Matt's subtle reminder to cut the Captain some slack. It had been nearly 6 months since they'd lost Munro (the real Munro), not a long time but enough time that the rest of the crew had begun to move on. If Torrik wasn't ready to face sickbay, he wasn't going to push him,"…well, let's just say he's got his reasons. If you want to make a house call, be my guest…" Ender punched a few commands into the PADD before looking up again at Lisbet, "But first, how'z about you and me take a little trip to the ghost ship?"

She felt the slight tension immediately between Seldon and Ayre and the care they both felt toward the Chimera's Bajoran Captain. It wasn't her job to push the point, if the CMO had reasons not to that would be fine with her. "Ghost ship? That sounds fun." She wasn't sure it would be, but sinking her teeth into a mystery was why she was here. "I will grab our kits. Will there be a briefing or shall we head directly to the transporter room?" She sensed the flutter of humor that Seldon felt at her eagerness and was slightly irritated but let it pass.

Seldon tossed her the PADD, "Read and walk. We'll go over what we know once we get to the transporter room."

They entered the transporter room, kits ready and found they were the last to be beamed over to the derelict ship. They each stood on their own pad and felt the familiar tingle of the transporter beam. The surrounding room of the transporter was replaced by the alien architecture of the Golnarran's ship. A security team was waiting for them, "Good you could join us," was all Tenanji said as he headed out the door.
A JP with myself and Endar Seldon.

Asmita Madri 05-30-2009 11:24:32 PM
"Madri! Please take the science station and get me some information on those residual energy signatures Wekesa was so kind to point out…” Nils' command tore Asmita from her stunned contemplation of the lifeless ship. The confused stare that had occupied her face instantly transformed into an expression of tight-lipped resolve.

"On it, Captain," she snapped to attention, her tone all business. This was the first real task she had been given aboard the Chimera, and she was determined to make an impression. What she lacked in social aptitude she knew she could make up for in technical ability.

The young J'naii's fingers were flying across the keypad before she even touched down in the science station chair. She mumbled to herself, barely a whisper, as her eyes fixed on the torrential stream of data pouring across the screen. "Those residuals aren't photons, obviously," she paused between words, struggling to think in terms of the numerical data in front of her while still giving words to her thoughts. "It's fading, but I'm picking up some graviton interference." She turned to face the captain, tearing herself away from the screen with visible effort, "They were tractored, sir, but the trace is too old to tell much more than that. If I had to venture a guess, I would say they were towed out here, maybe an hour ago."

Asmita was facing the viewscreen again before finishing the last sentence. With a few deft keypresses, she switched her view to the ship's parametric subspace scanners, searching the vicinity for cloaked ships and impulse drive trails. "I'm not picking up any other ships in the area, but that doesn't mean they aren't there. There's a lot of background radiation to sift through here."

Harry Finn 05-31-2009 04:38:23 PM
Throughout the Chimera, subspace messages sent from the dubious haven of Megiddo III shuffled through the systems, arriving at their intended locations and taking roost, until such time as their intended recipients would be able to take notice.


Location: Megiddo III - Residential Sector
Deliver Subspace Message to: Captain Torrik Nils
Commanding Officer
USS Chimera
Priority: Level 2

Captain Torrik, I’m pleased to inform you that Admiral Nechayev has released Lt. Fehr, Crewman Apprentice Anderson and myself from her service. I am less pleased to say that, on arriving at Megiddo III, we’ve found a serious dearth of transportation. I’m doing my best to secure a shuttle but, for certain reasons, it would be ill-advised for me to make a lot of waves with Flight Control. Vail will explain if you really want to know (but I don’t think you want to know).

I will keep you apprised of our progress. It is my intention to be underway ASAP.

Lt. Commander Finn


Location: Megiddo III - Residential Sector
Deliver Subspace Message to: Commander T’Shaini
Chief Counselor/Amabassador
USS Chimera
Priority: Level 2

Hey, trying to get the band back together but there’s red tape. Just wanted to make sure you were taking it easy and that Jav is still doing the heavy lifting.

Next time, listen to Djinn and take out the enemy when you have the chance. They’re called the enemy for a reason.

See ya when I see ya,


Location: Megiddo III - Residential Sector
Deliver Subspace Message to: Lt. Commander Costala
Chief of Engineering
USS Chimera
Priority: Level 2

Hello, my name is Harry and it has been 48 days since I hit another officer. We can compare the count when I catch up to you guys.

Also, going to see an old friend about some issues… if he’s heard anything about the holodeck thing, I’ll let you know.



Location: Megiddo III - Residential Sector
Deliver Subspace Message to: Dr. Kerrin Schaeffer
USS Chimera
Priority: Level 2

Time to say ‘I’m sorry’ again. There was a thing with an admiral and… anyway it’s over now and we’re trying to catch up to Chimera. On the colony at present and I’m pleased to report that I picked up a holoprogram of a county fair, ferris wheel included.

Hallows is not invited.

See you… not soon enough.


Location: Megiddo III - Residential Sector
Deliver Subspace Message to: Dr. Ender Seldon
USS Chimera
Priority: Level 2

Stay out of my stuff.



Location: Megiddo III - Residential Sector
Deliver Subspace Message to: Lt. jg Simba Wekesa
Chief Tactical Officer
USS Chimera
Priority: Level 2

Try not to break the ship, we just got her.

Lt. Commander Finn


Location: Megiddo III - Residential Sector
Deliver Subspace Message to: PO3 Benjamin Hyde Pierce
USS Chimera
Priority: Level 2

Harry’s giving me two minutes at the terminal but I had to say hello. We’re on Megiddo (it’s HUGE) and trying to find a transport to rendezvous with Chimera. I can’t wait to get home and pick up where we left off.

With luck we’ll be there by my birthday.


PS- I want you to know I typed that even with Harry reading over my shoulder… am I brave, or what? JA

PPS - Not as brave as Pierce will need to be. HF

Luku 06-1-2009 08:41:35 AM
Luku swept her wrist light from side to side, alert for any signs of trouble as the quartet proceeded down the deserted corridor. Walking alongside the S'ti'ach was Lieutenant O'Keefe, intently scanning the area with her tricorder, behind Luku stood Emily, wrist light similarly sweeping the way forward and beside her strolled an NCO engineer Lieutenant Tenanji had called Kowalski, who had a confident look on his face, almost as if he already knew where he was going.

This place was starting to give Luku the creeps, her enhanced hearing couldn't pick up a single sound other than her companions footsteps, their footsteps and the occasional, eerie creak of a hull plate, which only amplified the ‘ghostly’ vibe the whole place gave off.

"Okay ladies," O'Keefe stated calmly, eyes still on the tricorder, "Life Support should be just around-"

"There." interrupted Kowalski, pointing towards a large framed door to their right.

The Lieutenants burning stare was completely unnoticed by the engineer as he deftly moved to the doors control panel and snapped it open, within a matter of seconds the door itself swooched open.

"Right then, I'll get started." Kowalski smiled as he vanished into the large circuit filled room.

"Need a hand?" Luku offered, taking a step forward.

"Nope, got it covered." the room called back.

"Fine." O'Keefe snarled, "You," she pointed at Emily, "stay here, watch him, make sure he doesn't get us all killed! You," she pointed at Luku, "with me, let’s go get the core talking."

"Aye sir." The Cadets chorused as one.

"Right," the Lieutenant spun on the spot and went back to her tricorder, "let's go."

"Aye sir." Luku nodded as she followed, wrist light sweeping the corridor once more as they continued onwards, deeper into the ship…

Emily Star 06-2-2009 07:44:46 AM
Emily watched as Luku left, their lights disappearing as they wandered further into the ship.

Ship…she thought, Not like any ship I'm use to.

She held back the thoughts that remarked it was more of a tomb than a ship. It was silent, her senses were quiet. Something they rarely ever were. On the Chimera she could feel the life. She could feel the moods of the crew, it created an energy onboard. It made it feel like home.

There's no energy ..

Emily then realized she'd lost the man she was supposed to be with. Looking down the corridoor she called out,"Hello?" but the echo was the only thing to greet her.

A tingling of fear went up her spine as she realized she was alone.

"Oh stop it stupid.."she mumbled to herself,"You know where he went, now get yourself there."

Setting off with a brisk pace she followed suit. She just wanted to get home.

Harry Finn 06-2-2009 10:36:51 PM
::USS Chimera::
::Deck 9/Tertiary Section::

PO2 Vegal-Djinn stepped out of the last lab with a now-empty case, having just completed his task to arm every rated member of the vessel who was not already carrying a phaser. It had come as a shock to the petty officer how few of the Hawking transfers kept a weapon to hand. It was, he supposed, the sign of an exploratory vessel, rather than one of the Chimera’s more obviously tactical design.

Still, a Yellow Alert was a Yellow Alert. No one should risk being unarmed if a boarding scenario should occur. He was consulting the PADD in his right hand when the turbolift arrived and, without looking up, entered. “Deck 4.”

“You’re a brave one.”

“I beg your pardon?” Djinn glanced up, briefly, then again, as he realized the other occupant of the ‘lift was… extremely… pregnant. The teacher, Edded Baya… husband in Engineering, Edded Towak, one daughter, Feeya…

Edded Baya lay a weary hand on her swollen abdomen, sighing as the ‘lift began to move. Every jounce was like a twenty kilo weight hitting her bladder. “Most of the crew refuse to get into a turbolift with a pregnant woman.”

Djinn straightened, suddenly concerned, “Why?” he asked. “Is it considered ill-omened for the child?”

At that, Baya laughed out loud, then winced as the laughter caused her back to contract uncomfortably. Djinn automatically put down his case and held out a hand to steady the teacher. “Thanks,” she said, “Sorry… it’s just, there’s a superstition… I think the Terrans started it… that a lift is ten times more likely to fail if there is a pregnant female on it. And the closer she is to delivery, the greater the odds it will stick and, once stuck, the woman in question will immediately go into labor.”

Djinn’s face relaxed enough that there was a hint of a smile. “They are a strange people,” commented the half-Human, “much given to imagination.”

“That they are,” agreed the Bajoran. “Ensign Gorsky, in particular, tends to go a bit green every time I walk past.”

Gorsky, Sciences, AI and nano-tech… the half-breed’s memory supplied. He, at least, had been armed. “Even the most intelligent men may have very… wide… blind spots,” he told her. The ‘lift stopped announced deck 7. “Is this your stop?”

“Yes,” Baya gave his hand a squeeze, as she forced herself to waddle out of the ‘lift. “I’m having daily checkups, now. Probably this poor child will decide to come out in the middle of an engagement.” Stepping into the corridor, which glowed under the subtle amber warning of the Yellow Alert, she sighed, “I suppose I should count myself lucky I didn’t go into labor 400 years in the past.”

Seeing Ms. Edded’s clear discomfort, Djinn took the case and exited with her. Offering his arm, he smiled, a flash of warmth in the cool corridor, “Perhaps I could escort you to your appointment,” he offered. It would take no more than a few minutes, and truly, she did look, as Jones would say, knackered. His thoughts, unbidden, gave rise to his own mother… shunned by her Acamerian family and abandoned by the Human for whom she’d given up her home… making her way through a hostile sector, alone and with child.

“Oh, thank you,” she said, “Towak is on shift or he’d have come. I didn’t want to pull him away during a possible crisis…”

“Then I will stand for him, and see you safe to the doctor.”

Baya, hormones on overdrive, felt the tears begin well as she leaned gratefully on the Security officer’s arm. “I told you, you were a brave one.”

There was no way for Baya to know that Vegal’s mother, Sarout-Djinn, had always called him that, as well.

Featuring NPC's PO2 Vegal-Djinn and the ready to pop Edded Baya

Simba Wekesa 06-2-2009 11:55:45 PM

U.S.S. Chimera
Crew Quarters, Deck 9 Gamma

"Dammit," Jamal Hastings muttered under his breath as he sat down on his bunk and pulled his boots on. He hated yellow alert. Mostly because, as the highest-ranking enlisted crewmember in the tactical division, it required him to report to his post in the torpedo bay. Required him to report, but since it was only a yellow alert, there was nobody to actually fire at and thus, nothing to do. No doubt Chang would find plenty to keep him occupied, but unless there was going to be some excitement, he'd much rather stay and chill in his quarters.

Standing up, Jamal crossed his tiny quarters and grabbed his commbadge off the desk. He was lucky enough, holding the rank of Chief Petty Officer, not to have a roommate. Although there were times when he would have preferred the additional space that came along with a double room, he was a relatively private person and he liked having his own space. Besides, there were plenty of other NCOs living in this section of the Chimera's lower decks and he spent fairly little time in the veritable closet he'd been assigned to. And after three years on the Chimera, that closet was starting to feel like home.

"I'm gonna hear about this one," Jamal thought to himself, exiting the room, as he realized just how long it was taking him to get ready for duty. It had been six months since he had been reprimanded, and he wasn't eager to go back down that path. His younger self had had an attitude… a bad attitude… and his early days in Starfleet had been fraught with disciplinary actions. But then he'd been assigned to this ship and, somehow, had managed to find his groove and start to make something out of his career. It wasn't easy… the temptation to make a smartass crack to a senior officer or tell them where they could stick their orders was always hard to resist. Sometimes, it just felt like the right thing to do…

It wasn't even that Hastings was particularly obstinate or insubordinate. Truth to be told, he was really just the opposite. A sensitive, thoughtful kid who grew up in an area where the only way he would be respected was to be tough and angry. And now, all these years later in a completely different environment, those underlying tendencies were still engrained in his personality. 'Coping mechanisms,' the counselors called them. Jamal didn't put much stock in that, though. He knew he was as smart and capable as anyone else he had met in the fleet, and when it came right down to it, he never failed to perform his duties to the best of his ability. He was comfortable with who he was and he didn't care what anyone else thought about him. But having more 'street cred' than anyone else on the ship had become one of his trademarks, and he couldn't deny it… it was kind of fun.

By this time, he'd made it most of the way to the torpedo bay and was standing in the turbolift as it made its ascent into the alpha section of the Chimera. Jamal realized that he didn't even remember most of the trip here. It was like that, sometimes… autopilot. From his quarters, to his duty station, and back… he was pretty sure he could do it in his sleep. "Man, something's gotta give," he muttered to himself as the turbolift stopped ascending and began to move horizontally towards the forward section. Fortunately, Jamal was the type who made friends easily, so at least he could always find something to do with his off-duty time. And he liked most of his new shipmates who had come from the Hawking. Even his new boss, Wekesa; although he seemed a little uptight, but Hastings figured he could work on that. Although there was this one girl from security who kept coming around the torpedo bay and was starting to irk him…

His thoughts were interrupted as the turbolift doors opened and he nearly ran over a young cadet in a blue uniform. "My bad," he said softly as he bent down to pick up the PADD she had dropped and handed it to her with a sheepish grin.

"Don't worry about it… I should have watched where I was going," she replied, smiling back as she looked into Jamal's twinkling eyes. She stood there and smiled for a moment, then resumed her path down the corridor. Yeah, he could lay down the charm and he didn't even need to try. Nice.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Let's see if we can make it here before the Chimera is destroyed by enemy fire next time, shall we?" Ensign Susan Chang called out from her perch on the upper level as Jamal rushed into the torpedo bay. She didn't even look up from her console, and Jamal wasn't sure if she knew who she was actually talking to or just made a lucky guess.

"Sorry, ma'am, it won't happen again," he replied simply as he made his way across the room. She was always so dramatic. It was just a yellow alert, there was no enemy fire. At least… not yet. He nodded in approval as Cunningham handed him a PADD with the current status of the torpedo bay. Fully loaded, courtesy of their stopover at Earth, and all systems functioning normally.

Any time the ship was on alert, the torpedo bay transformed from its usual quiet space to a bustling hub of activity. Security and tactical personnel would be pulled from their normal duty stations to help keep the ship in the fight. Of course, at yellow alert, there wasn't much to do yet except be prepared in the event that the order for battle stations came down from the bridge. And naturally, she had to be there… the formerly Hawking security officer that was getting on his nerves. If he didn't know better, he would think she was following him. He was sure that she was staring at him now… he could feel her eyes on him, but there wasn't time to confront that now. Maybe it was just his imagination, but either way, there were more important things to do at the moment.

Jamal took a deep breath and called out to the rest of the crew in the launch bay. "Aight y'all, let's get these photons locked and loaded!"

Featuring CPO Jamal Hastings

Benjamin Hyde Pierce 06-4-2009 11:38:16 AM
::Security Office::
::Deck 3::

"Incoming message for…" Jameson glanced at the security console. "Pierce."

"Whose it from?" Darby Saunders asked absentmindedly as she slapped the power cell into the phaser rifle and handed it off to one of the new security officers. She sighed and hoped her Kallee-Wallee was safe aboard the ship the Chimera had found. If Cadets Star and Luku let anything happen to him..even being pink won't save Luku from getting bounced down a Jeffries Tube and Star might want to tell her sister goodbye.

"I don't read the crew's messages, Ensign," Chief Jameson remarked, before lowering his voice to say: "It's from Crewman Anderson." The senior NCO transferred the message to a PADD and placed it on the desk beside him.

"Oh good! He's been in such a funk since Jenny's been gone," Darbs admitted, some of her worry draining away, "Fenton has been trying to get him to go out more. It's sad, when Ben agrees to go he just sits in the lounge and stares out the view port. He won't go bowling with us anymore, Ben says it's no fun without Jenny."

Bill Jameson looked thoughtful then inclined his head to watch Saunders slap home another power cell. "Petty Officer Djinn said Pierce's training has taken a downturn. Has our resident gangster turned into.."

"A lovesick puppy?" Darby interjected.

"I was going to say.." before Chief Jameson could continue BHP popped up.

"Who's a lovesick puppy?" BHP asked as he walked out of the armory. He clipped the phaser he was carrying to his belt. Jameson knew that Pierce most likely had his trademark .45 holstered inside his right boot but didn't say anything to the Iotian. On more than one occasion Pierce had turned the tide of a fire-fight with his Iotian 'heater'. Pierce took the rifle Darbs handed him. "Who is a lovesick puppy?" he demanded. Ben had a feeling the two were talking about him. It's bad enough when you realize it yourself but when others start to come to the same conclusion..

"My Kallee.." Darby started to elaborate.

"Yeah that makes sense," Ben said abruptly, accepting the lie and cutting off Darbs. He gathered up two spare power cells from the desk and clipped them to his belt. "He's down in Engineering, so he'll be fine. If I know Kal-El, he's probably got a bunch of new crewman gathered around him while he works, so he can tell them about how awesome he is."

"No, he went over to the Golnarran ship." The ensign passed another phaser rifle to another security officer, who accepted it and made for his yellow alert team staging area.

"Pierce, message, here," Jameson instructed gruffly as the Senior Chief handed BHP the PADD. "Now cut the chatter and get to your position." Bill was already tired of Darby's incessant prattle and the addition of Pierce was beginning to grate on his frayed nerves.

"Aye Chief," Ben replied, pushing the rifle strap over his shoulder as he took the PADD. More orders? Regulation changes? New schedule, damn I hope it's a new duty shift. the Iotian thought as he began to scan over the message. His pace slowed rapidly as Ben decelerated in the middle of the corridor.

Harry’s giving me two minutes at the terminal but I had to say hello. We’re on Megiddo (it’s HUGE) and trying to find a transport to rendezvous with Chimera. I can’t wait to get home and pick up where we left off. With luck we’ll be there by my birthday.

Jenny is safe. He sighed in grateful relief. Someone plowed into him from behind and knocked the PADD out of his hands. "Watch it!" Ben growled at a meek looking science officer, who raised her hands in surrender and then scurried away from the security officer's wrath. He retrieved the PADD from the deck and began to walk towards his station, reading as he went. She's on Megiddo..the new one..and she's coming back! He kept reading. Her birthday? Oh. Yes. Yes, her birthday. Hot Damn! Jenny's birthday! Ben remembered the significance of that day. Jenny had told him before they had been pulled away from each other to go their separate ways in Normandy.

"I have to get her some presents," Ben said aloud, smacking himself in the forehead. Where do you find birthday gifts on the Chimera? And nice ones at that. Nice ones that broke security officers can afford. His brow furrowed in thought. When desperation set in Ben's thoughts tended to go a little Iotian. If I were at home I could have knocked over a bank or a pawn shop. Or at least scrounged around for somebody's mislaid valuables. But I'm not going to scrounge around on the Chimera. Morello's Law: You don't shit where you eat. And I doubt Jenny would want a ring or necklace that one of the other crew could identify as theirs. There's not any good heists aboard this ship. Now if there was another ship around..

Javier Costala 06-5-2009 12:13:41 AM

Kal-El paused. Did someone just say 'hello'? The engineer flashed his palm-light over the room then back towards the direction he was headed. The room was deathly quiet. 'As a deserted ship should be,' Kowalski surmised before continuing on his way. Footsteps behind him let the engineer know that his security escort was catching up. He wasn't familiar with Cadet Star, she didn't congregate with the other junior crew and they were in different departments so he had very little knowledge of what she was like. Not that he even cared, there were very few people aboard the ship that he had any real desire to spend time with. Darby was one of these, then there were some other people that he tolerated, then there were those that were thrust upon him during the course of his duty. Star was part of the last group.

"Good of you to catch up," Kowalski remarked as Star's footsteps grew louder, "what was the one thing you had to do? Oh that's right, keep up with me and act like my guard." Security was Kal-El's least favorite department and so Star would suffer Kowalski's prejuidice by association. The engineer shook his head then glanced down at his tricorder. The two arrived at a T-junction among the circuitry panels. "There seems to be a minor energy signature from.." he swept his tricorder in an arc, then stepped to the right, "this direction." Soon Kal-El found himself in a control room of sorts. He managed to connect his tricorder to a console then ran a quick diagnostic of the systems while also uploading a Golnarran languag program that would help him decipher the controls and their functions.

"We can't do anything without power," the engineer complained as he tapped his commbadge. =/\=Kowalski to Lieutenant O'Keefe, I'm going to have an extremely difficult, dare I say impossible, time getting life support running without some juice.=/\=

=/\=Stand by Chief Kowalski, we've hit a snag down here. The ship must have been incapacitated by an ion weapon. There was a massive overload in the core and we'll have to do a cold restart..=/\=

Blah, blah, blah, do the job woman and stop yakking at me, Kowalski thought with an impatient sigh. I would have had the system up and running five minutes ago. =/\=Okay lieutenant, I'll know when you have the power on when it comes on I guess, Kowalski out.=/\= cutting off O'Keefe and restoring her faith in the male sex's ability to annoy the shit out of her.

Featuring the one and only Kal-El Kowalski

Dead Space

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